NINJA MCQs vs Wiley

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  • #185164

    NINJA Question –

    I wanted to supplement my becker FAR course with more questions and was going to buy the Wiley test bank. However, now that there is NINJA MCQs, I”m second guessing that. For those of you who have both, which one do you honestly like better and find more beneficial? Thanks

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  • #548334

    NINJA all the way! Wiley is way more expensive now and NINJA has AICPA approved questions and more of them than Wiley. Way better format than the new WTB as well.

    AUD - Passed - 82 (10/1/13), Expires 4/1/2015 (57,62,64)
    BEC - Passed - 77 (7/14/14) (53,67,70,74) Half way to CPA!!!!
    REG - Passed - 81 (8/23/14) (68) 3 down 1 to go!!
    FAR - Passed - 75 (11/11/14) I'm DONE!!!!!

    Illinois Canidate


    NINJA all the way! Wiley is way more expensive now and NINJA has AICPA approved questions and more of them than Wiley. Way better format than the new WTB as well.

    AUD - Passed - 82 (10/1/13), Expires 4/1/2015 (57,62,64)
    BEC - Passed - 77 (7/14/14) (53,67,70,74) Half way to CPA!!!!
    REG - Passed - 81 (8/23/14) (68) 3 down 1 to go!!
    FAR - Passed - 75 (11/11/14) I'm DONE!!!!!

    Illinois Canidate


    I've used both for FAR. WTB came with CPAexcel. When I take the other sections I'll definitely invest in Ninja MCQ again!

    To be honest I don't see a difference between the two as far as content goes, though I prefer Ninja for a few reasons.

    1. Price. $47 is a steal for that much content.

    2. Reliability. The WTB server would continually stop responding at least once a day. Called them and they told me it was my computer though it happened on my personal laptop and my work laptop and on different browsers. I haven't have that problem with Ninja, though at times I feel that the Ninja site is a little slow.

    3. Question sets. You can do as few as 5 MCQ at a time with Ninja while 10 is the fewest with WTB. I know that's not a big deal, but if I have 10 minutes to kill before a meeting I can bang out 5 questions.

    4. Jeff. This may seem silly but if I have a problem I know where I can find the owner. Plus, I like supporting small businesses that produce quality products.

    The best feature by a land slide is the little throwing star on Ninja. I feel like I'm throwing it every time I click it!

    tl;dr – Spend the $47 bucks, it won't break the bank, and it's a good product.

    Hope this helps.

    FAR: 89
    BEC: 88
    REG: 81
    AUD: 76

    CPAexcel, NINJA 10 point combo, & NINJA MCQ

    "Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year...but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever."


    I've used both for FAR. WTB came with CPAexcel. When I take the other sections I'll definitely invest in Ninja MCQ again!

    To be honest I don't see a difference between the two as far as content goes, though I prefer Ninja for a few reasons.

    1. Price. $47 is a steal for that much content.

    2. Reliability. The WTB server would continually stop responding at least once a day. Called them and they told me it was my computer though it happened on my personal laptop and my work laptop and on different browsers. I haven't have that problem with Ninja, though at times I feel that the Ninja site is a little slow.

    3. Question sets. You can do as few as 5 MCQ at a time with Ninja while 10 is the fewest with WTB. I know that's not a big deal, but if I have 10 minutes to kill before a meeting I can bang out 5 questions.

    4. Jeff. This may seem silly but if I have a problem I know where I can find the owner. Plus, I like supporting small businesses that produce quality products.

    The best feature by a land slide is the little throwing star on Ninja. I feel like I'm throwing it every time I click it!

    tl;dr – Spend the $47 bucks, it won't break the bank, and it's a good product.

    Hope this helps.

    FAR: 89
    BEC: 88
    REG: 81
    AUD: 76

    CPAexcel, NINJA 10 point combo, & NINJA MCQ

    "Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year...but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever."


    I haven't used Wiley since the update, but I had some questions before I was about to buy it and I reached out to the Wiley customer service and they were rude, repeated things to me like I was a child, and hung up on me (disconnected, I was talking to them via chat). Then I opened another chat session and got the same rep and they acted like the conversation needed to start from scratch and just repeated things to me again. I was so put off on how much they weren't willing to do ANYTHING for me, that as soon as I found out about NINJA MCQ I was all over it like white on rice!

    I have been using the NINJA MCQ for BEC ever since it came out and the software is amazing! I can use it on my laptop, phone, desktop, whenever whereever. The text, AL, and everything that pops up after each question is fantastic and really makes it an all in one study tool just as opposed to answering multiple choice questions.

    Jeff is a quick response, answers all of your concerns, and is truly, genuinely interested in your success. I got the feeling from Wiley that they couldn't care one way or another.

    Also, the reporting feature in NINJA is fantastic and really helps you see statistically where you are excelling and where you are struggling.

    @matt85 – I agree, I love the ninja star! Whenever I click it I hear a ninja star flying through the air and hitting the target in my head…..cheesy, I know, but it makes it a little more fun.


    I haven't used Wiley since the update, but I had some questions before I was about to buy it and I reached out to the Wiley customer service and they were rude, repeated things to me like I was a child, and hung up on me (disconnected, I was talking to them via chat). Then I opened another chat session and got the same rep and they acted like the conversation needed to start from scratch and just repeated things to me again. I was so put off on how much they weren't willing to do ANYTHING for me, that as soon as I found out about NINJA MCQ I was all over it like white on rice!

    I have been using the NINJA MCQ for BEC ever since it came out and the software is amazing! I can use it on my laptop, phone, desktop, whenever whereever. The text, AL, and everything that pops up after each question is fantastic and really makes it an all in one study tool just as opposed to answering multiple choice questions.

    Jeff is a quick response, answers all of your concerns, and is truly, genuinely interested in your success. I got the feeling from Wiley that they couldn't care one way or another.

    Also, the reporting feature in NINJA is fantastic and really helps you see statistically where you are excelling and where you are struggling.

    @matt85 – I agree, I love the ninja star! Whenever I click it I hear a ninja star flying through the air and hitting the target in my head…..cheesy, I know, but it makes it a little more fun.


    I haven't tried the Ninja MCQ – but I can confirm Wiley is having all sorts of problems. If I didn't pass FAR, then I will certainly get the Ninja MCQ's before my re-test.

    Wiley's stuff is fine. I'm not dogging it. It's helped me. But it is also VERY frustrating at times. My history would totally blank out, and I would just be doing repeat questions because it would show that I had answered “zero” when in reality I had answered 1,000. Crazy stuff like that. Glitches.

    Jeff's new one is adaptive and AICPA approved content. It came out too late for me to use it for this test, but I may need to make use of it yet!

    AUD - 82 (10/13)
    REG - 84 (11/13)
    BEC - 91 (2/14)
    FAR - 81 (4/14)
    (Wiley, WTB, Ninja Blitz)

    I'm DONE!!!! Thanks Jeff & all the Ninjas out there who answered questions & encouraged me along the way!


    I haven't tried the Ninja MCQ – but I can confirm Wiley is having all sorts of problems. If I didn't pass FAR, then I will certainly get the Ninja MCQ's before my re-test.

    Wiley's stuff is fine. I'm not dogging it. It's helped me. But it is also VERY frustrating at times. My history would totally blank out, and I would just be doing repeat questions because it would show that I had answered “zero” when in reality I had answered 1,000. Crazy stuff like that. Glitches.

    Jeff's new one is adaptive and AICPA approved content. It came out too late for me to use it for this test, but I may need to make use of it yet!

    AUD - 82 (10/13)
    REG - 84 (11/13)
    BEC - 91 (2/14)
    FAR - 81 (4/14)
    (Wiley, WTB, Ninja Blitz)

    I'm DONE!!!! Thanks Jeff & all the Ninjas out there who answered questions & encouraged me along the way!


    I take REG on May 17th and I was getting a little annoyed with the WTB. I just purchased all 4 sections 3 weeks ago for a year's access, however, I thought Jeff's looked really cool and decided to “splurge” on it. It was the best decision I made so far. I have been using it since Friday Night and I really really like the interface. I also like all the statistical data that comes in the reports. I can print them off each week and see how I am improving.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    I take REG on May 17th and I was getting a little annoyed with the WTB. I just purchased all 4 sections 3 weeks ago for a year's access, however, I thought Jeff's looked really cool and decided to “splurge” on it. It was the best decision I made so far. I have been using it since Friday Night and I really really like the interface. I also like all the statistical data that comes in the reports. I can print them off each week and see how I am improving.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Ninja! For the reasons listed above.

    My WTB was included in Roger; so I did not pay extra. Recent price hike is not justified, IMHO, as they did not really improve the product.

    AUD 02/10/14 passed

    Roger, WTB, Ninja materials


    Ninja! For the reasons listed above.

    My WTB was included in Roger; so I did not pay extra. Recent price hike is not justified, IMHO, as they did not really improve the product.

    AUD 02/10/14 passed

    Roger, WTB, Ninja materials


    With the recent Wiley TB price hike, Ninja is my first choice.


    With the recent Wiley TB price hike, Ninja is my first choice.


    okay awesome! thanks everyone! good luck to you!

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