Ninja MCQs

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  • #1841527
    Brian Riley

    I’m noticing that I keep getting a good amount of questions that I have already seen when doing NINJA MCQs. Is there a reason for this? I’ve decided to just do custom MCQs and choose questions I have never seen yet. I’d rather not see the same questions again and again.

    Anyone else run into this?

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  • #1841545

    Are you drilling down into a particular topic – or doing “all” of the questions?

    You can select “new” questions only as well.


    It has adaptive learning so repeats come up in order to help you learn. After a while, it can get to be overkill. I started doing only new questions and I think it really helped challenge me to learn more.

    Brian Riley

    Hey Jeff,

    Yeah I've just been clicking on that MCQ button above the Custom MCQ + Sims and selecting a certain number of questions to do (10, 20, 30, etc.).

    I haven't been drilling down into a specific topic. I will probably do that though when I notice I'm getting a lot of questions wrong in an area. Whenever I get a question wrong, I hit the print button and print a hard copy of the failed question to review later.

    I want to best resemble the CPA exam when I do the MCQs and have the questions be completely random when it comes to topics. I do like the function of selecting only new questions in the custom MCQs and I've been doing that. I'm not sure how that will affect the adaptive learning function of the program, but I guess in the end all I'm focused on is exposing myself to as many questions as possible before game day.

    Thanks Jeff!

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