NInja MCQ-what’s the best way

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  • #1647337

    NINJA Question –

    Question for those who have used Ninja and maybe even Jeff? I usually go through each subsection and pick “new questions” until I have gone through every single question at least ones. Then I try to do a mix of adaptive learning or pick questions missed last time seen. Normally I have had a lot more time for review than the 2.5 weeks I will have for FAR once I am through the material in Becker. Should I just do adaptive learning once I am out of assessment phase? I feel like when you don’t pick “new questions” it feeds you the “easy ones” or repeat ones and inflates your trending? Am I wrong? Any feedback is much appreciated!

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  • #1647356

    I purchased Ninja MCQs/SIMs since 2015. I only started (really) using the app for my 2017 Q4 FAR/REG/BEC review.

    If you have extra time, it's one of the best MCQs test bank app out there. Most of the questions are newer, at least, I would say similar to AICPA newly released MCQs exams since 2005 up to latest newly released ones. The SIMs part, you have to improvise a little. Basically, do the SIMs, that came with the app, plus you read the book, notes, audio, videos, and the MCQS question play a huge part with your SIMs review.

    If you find the questions become easier, each time you got a question, ‘incorrect' or not so comfortable, try to make a note of it. I tried to print screen these questions. Of course, with a thought in mind, that those copies are only going to be used by myself, as part of my notes for CPA review, and not be shared with others. This is to protect Ninja's copyright, and its business.

    Anyway, going back to your question, you can definitely make it a little harder, and actually fit for your studying style. But, you have to improvise. If you have access to individual hardcopies or even electronic copies of MCQs AICPA released since 2005 up to now, that's a good start. You can specifically choose these questions you want to work on.

    I have access to old AICPA newly released MCQs dated back 1987 up to present, because I have copies of Wiley since 1998-2014, Becker 1999/2000/2008/2010/2014 and Ninja 2013-2017. These CPA review providers give out these AICPA newly released questions every time you buy their review courses. Sometimes, you might be able to download some of these questions if you Google them, used to. Also, CPA review providers usually add them on their updated MCQs/SIMs app.

    I hope, I somewhat answer your question.

    Good luck with your CPA exams as well.


    I am not sure I need more questions as I am already using Becker and Ninja to supplement…I guess my question is this-I normally go through the test bank section by section and do new questions only and only then do I do adaptive learning. To me, it seems like the best way to ensure I have seen all the questions. Is it better to do adaptive learning after the assessment phase? If I don't have that much time? am I getting the same benefits of the testbank if I do it my way? Your thoughts are welcome:)


    I will go in and choose new questions until I am out of the assessment phase. From there, I just hit the adaptive learning. After awhile I can tell the areas that I'm weak, so then I'll go back and brush up on those, and then do a couple of rounds of questions on just that topic. Then I'll go back to adaptive learning. That's my strategy.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I don't know what the algorithms are for the 3 phases but what I can say is that I was perfectly satisfied with the variety of questions, rarely hitting a duplicate and always being challenged.

    My method – break up sessions into a cadence of general and trouble sections. I like to do about 180-240 questions from “all” (or whatever the default is) and then a few sessions on just trouble sections. 30 at a time.

    So 6 sessions of 30. Now I know what my latest weaknesses are. Select 1 or 2 sessions of the problem areas. Now go back to general questions. All while interspersing reads of Ninja and my own notes.

    With each question that I get wrong or get correct for the wrong reason – I right a sentence or two why, in my own words. If I can't write it in my own words, I don't understand.

    I did between 1200 and 1300 questions for FAR, about 800 for BEC and about 700 for AUD. I didn't go all the way around to the final review phase but I felt each session was a great review. I probably did it “wrong” but I passed.


    Thank you! I will try it this way. I had almost a month for REG review so I had the luxury of doing “new questions” only for a while until I did them all, and then I did adaptive learning. But for FAR, ironically I have the least amount of time to review after I go through my study materials, so I am trying to maximize the impact while minimizing the actual time.


    Well, based on my last two years (since 2016 Q2 to 2017 Q3) of steady sitting for US CPA exams: FAR(4x); AUD(3x); REG(2x) & BEC(2x), the only thing that works is to basically read your book, watched videos, maybe listened to audios and make a really good notes out them. By doing that, it will give you at least, 50-60% of your score from actual exam. You have to bridge this gap by doing a lot of MCQs, and SIMs if you can, especially those that you're not so comfortable.

    Make sure you're studying and doing MCQs and SIMs that are similar to the actual exam. AICPA newly released MCQs since 2005, are very similar to what you'll see on your actual exam. The SIMs, not so much out there. The closest SIMs you'll see out there, are the ones posted on AICPA's website. Even that, they were just 50/50% difficulty as to the actual exam.

    For example, I took 2017 Q1 and 2017 Q3 as an experiment, just basically study 2-3 days, hardly doing MCQs and SIMs, just read my old Becker textbook, and landed me on the 50s.

    Between the old format and the new format, the newer format is tougher, especially for FAR. If you're not a number calculation problem candidate, you'll suffer. The calculation number raised from 50%+(2017Q1) vs. 80%+(2017Q3). I should have passed my Q1, but unfortunately, I ran a few more problems, with SIMs instructions (assuming things).

    Anyway, depending on your speed, you'll be fine. Time management is your biggest hurdle during the exam, especially for FAR. As you noticed, most MCQs test banks, 50/50% are number calculation problems and conceptual/theories. Number problems are time consuming. I passed Audit (again) because, it has hardly any number calculations, mostly conceptual/theories.

    Since you are using Ninja, you're guaranteed at least their materials are newer. As to Becker/Wiley, I cannot say much, since the last test banks I had was 2014. You can always ask Becker or Ninja if how old/new their MCQs/SIMs materials are. Based on the recent actual exams, no older than 2005 AICPA newly released MCQs exams, since 2004 was the start of computerized CPA exams.

    Good luck.


    @Earlathebeangardener-I am using Becker as my primary study tool, using it the way it's intended, lectures, book, MCQ, SIMS. Ninja is just to give me that extra edge. I am currently 3 for 3 on the first try, so hopefully it works this time around as well. However, considering the sheer volume of information, I am trying to speed things up without compromising quality within my study schedule. Test is on Nov. 17th.

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