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  • #1590041

    NINJA Question –

    Hey Ninjas!

    So I took REG in 2/2017 and got a 72. CURSES.

    Now I’m retesting REG in the new format and using my CPAexcel course. I purchased the Ninja MCQ’s again because they are such an immensely helpful resource, but while reviewing all the pages of notes I took within CPAexcel, I noticed some topics are not even included anymore! Specifically UCC Articles, I only see Article 9. The others are interspersed and barely mentioned at all. Then I saw the exam change blueprints which have totally changed the % test of each topic and changed the names of 2 of the topics from 6 down to 5.

    When I go into my Ninja MCQs for REG I see that those topics still reflect the old style naming. I understand Jeff has said that MCQs are MCQs and accounting is accounting so all the information is still relevant (see here :, but there are nearly 800 questions on Business Law which is almost 50% of all MCQ’s and doesn’t seem reflective of the focus of the new testing structure?

    Should I skip a majority of the law questions because my CPAexcel software certainly has?? And when will the questions in Ninja MCQ’s reflect the new weighting from CPA exam?


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  • Author
  • #1590053

    Do not study:

    1A-2: AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services (41)
    2C-2: Negotiable Instruments (84)
    2C-4: Documents of Title and Title Transfer (20)
    3-A: Federal Tax Legislative Process (8)
    3B-1: Due Dates and Related Extensions of Time (5)
    3B-7: Statute of Limitations (13)
    6C-5: Earnings and Profits (14)


    Thanks @BrickellCPA ! Is this something the Ninja team has distributed? I have been out of it since I was hoping REG was behind me 🙁


    Yes, there have been a few threads on it since earlier this year. Also, you should find a spreadsheet when you log into your NINJA account when you click on which section you want to study. Near the “Launch” button there is a link that says “Do not study list”.


    @BrickellCPA Any chance you could post what is included in the do not study list for FAR? I only have NINJA audio so I guess I can't access that list, but I've been hearing a few topics that I haven't seen in Becker so I'm curious. Much appreciated

    BEC- August 31


    Nailed it! Thanks again BrickellCPA, I became a creature of habit and was so used to hitting the links to get to MCQ's I missed that. And once I open it in an internet window on my computer, I leave it up forever unless I restart my PC so that I don't have to click through/login again. I haven't seen that page in quite some time 🙂


    @Accountingbeans here is FAR :

    Do Not Study Summary:
    1E 1: Personal Financial Statements (11)
    1E 3: Liquidation Basis Financial Statements (3)
    2E 4: Joint Ventures (11)
    2E 6: Investment Property (8)
    2I 3: Debt with Conversion Features and Other Options (9)
    2M 2: Deferred Compensation Arrangements (3)
    3 Q: Related Parties and Related Party Transactions (9)

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