Ninja MCQ scores after Wiley FAR review

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  • #1918204

    NINJA Question –

    I’ve gone thru FAR review in Wiley with the exception of full practice tests. It seemed like it was ok, with some holes here and there that i was aware of and going to work on them. My question is: was your trending score in Ninja pretty solid from the first set you did or did it get better with more practice? I’m trending in low 70’s..I feel like since i’ve done the review course i should know all of that πŸ™ i dont! I forgot so much already. FAR is scheduled for 9/7.. still good chunk of time. I try to practice every day after work, more heavily on weekends.. Started rewriting Ninja notes and watch the Blitz videos to remember all the main points.

    Do you guys have any advice?
    Thank you!

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  • #1918267

    I think you're worrying a bit too much. I did Wiley and started Ninja MCQs after the review course and my trending score started around the mid-50s. After 2 weeks I had it up to a 72 and then took the test. If you're already in the 70s you should be absolutely fine, especially with a month. Practice some sims too and I reviewed the Ninja blitz videos.


    Same as you, got that test coming up in September as well, finished the round of MCQs and SIMs in past month and half, trying to review now. I also forgot things! Which is why they say review is so important I guess : P
    The only good thing is that when I revisit those concepts I am not having to relearn the whole thing, since they click faster now so its less time consuming. Basically making sure all these concepts stick!
    For me, re-doing the MCQs is a big booster in that area.

    Good luck!

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    A month is PLENTY of time for review. I think when most people start using Ninja MCQs for review, they start at like 50% or lower. But just keep doing MCQs every day and your score will go up. If rewriting the Ninja notes takes too much time, I highly recommend listening to the Ninja audio. I have a 25-minute commute to work and I listen to the audio on repeat for the 4 weeks leading up to my exam. Do not worry – like Pwhite said, if you just started and you're already trending in the low 70s, you're doing better than most people already.


    @Pwhite8388 thank you! I am a little bit on the freaking out side here for sure. I started going thru the Blitz i like them much better than Wiley. They just hit important need to know point instead of dragging it out and making it hella confusing.


    @Panders did you download the audio on the phone or theres ninja app?


    I downloaded it to my phone.


    @panders ok! i got the zip file now the trick is to get on the iphone with this retarded itunes that i cannot stand πŸ™
    Did you feel like the audio helped you though?


    The audio helps keep everything fresh. I didn't necessarily learn anything new from it, but it was very helpful in just keeping the sheer amount of info fresh in my head. Plus Jeff has some tricks to remember things that are different than what Wiley presents, so that's always helpful if Jeff's way makes it stick better for you. He also has some tips about which topics you really only need to know the basics on, rather than the detail that another review program might have had.

    If nothing else, it's a passive way to “study” and feel like you're being productive.


    You're lucky…right now I'm trending in the low 40s and 50s now that I've started the Ninja mcq. I suspect it's because I've already forgotten a lot of what I learned but doing alot of these problems is helping me relearn it all again. I still have like 2 weeks left to improve so hopefully I can get my scores up to the 70s and 80s by then…


    @superaccountinggod I actually went down since this post.. i get a lot of questions that i forgot how to do and of course i miss them πŸ™ i have three weeks before the test and trying to do 60 of mcqs every night, more on weekends, rewrite the notes and start listening to the audio..

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