NINJA Giveaway (5 Winners) – Post your Exam/Career Tips (Winners Selected) - Page 7

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  • #192166

    NINJA Question –

    The NINJAs are giving away Ten Point Combos to 5 winners.

    Entering is Simple:

    Post either a

    – CPA Exam Study Tip


    – Career/Interviewing Tip

    Please don’t post “buy company X – you’ll pass” (unless it’s NINJA – then it’s totally legit 🙂


    cpa123456 – CPA Exam Tip: For BEC, work all of your IT MCQs the night before your exam

    SkynetFanClub – Interviewing Tip: If a partner offers you Scotch during an interview – decline.

    Exception: if it’s single malt, then it’s ok.

    Prize: 1 Ten Point Combo section of the winner’s choice

    Winners: Five (5) – Randomly selected

    Deadline: 11pm EST – Monday, February 23

    Winners can “gift” their winnings to another individual if they are no longer taking the CPA Exam.

    One entry per person.

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  • Author
  • #648616

    Hello Everyone,

    Here are my tips for interviewing:

    1)Have confidence in yourself! Make eye contact and don't be afraid to be yourself.

    2)Always tailor your resume to the job description that you are applying for. Put yourself in the recruiters shoes.

    3)Make sure you have good posture and body language.

    4)Don't let previous interviews weigh you down, always know that you are a “masterpiece” in progress

    5)Act and feel like you are already are in the position that you are applying for. This can give a big boost to your confidence.Just don't be too cocky.

    6)Understand your companies culture and examine how it aligns with your own personality.

    Marlon Lackeyram

    Queens College Dual Major in Accounting & Economics May 2015

    CPA candidate just starting preparation.


    CPA Exam tip: work the mcqs over and over. If you get something wrong write it down and make sure you understand why you got it wrong.


    Exam tip: when you think you've studied enough…study more.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Be confident! Walk into your exams, interviews, first days (everything!) with confidence….it really does make a world of difference. I was going in for my first ever real job interview and was told something that stuck with me….

    Look good, feel good, do good!

    Now while I am not so sure this is proper English…it has been something I think of on these “big deal” days. When walking in on exam day, you know what you know. On interview day, you are who you are. There is nothing you can change to help you in those exact moments except your ATTITUDE.

    So, maybe this all sounds a little corny, and it's true that confidence alone wont get you the job or pass the exam for you, but it will give you the extra boost you need in those vital moments!


    Exam preparation tips: Don't be discouraged when the lecture doesn't make sense the first time you go through. Just do a lot of MCQ's after until you grasp the material. I think just doing tons of MCQ's are the way to go when preparing for CPA exams. Then, before you do extra MCQ's, read over the chapters very quickly, only the main big points if you have to. I found this to be helpful in reminding myself of the big pcture and then go onto more MCQ's for the details.


    Exam Tip: Review your notes right before the exam on topics you are struggling with.


    Best study recommendation is to step back and analyze the way you study… Getting to know your habits and sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone are key factors of success.

    I hope everyone has a good score released night!


    AUD - Done
    REG - Done
    BEC - Done
    FAR - August 2015


    CPA Tip:

    Drinking water helps your memory retain information. Drink lots of water while studying!


    EXAM TIP: The most EFFICIENT/EFFECTIVE study method (in my opinion), is the following:

    1) Open Wiley Test Bank (Ninja Test bank may be substituted but I haven't used it myself yet)- key here is PRACTICE QUESTIONS

    2) for WTB: click: Study Session; order topics by # of TOTAL POSSIBLE questions (this sorts the heaviest-weighted topics (approximately) at the top. Write down on a piece of lined paper the topics. Separate by MAJOR (100+ questions), MEDIUM (50-100 questions), and MINOR (1-50 questions).

    3) Do 30 questions of the first topic. Take notes if you don't have a specific piece of material down. Use the hints/guidance if at beginning of studying a topic, then you should taper off to just hints, then nothing when you are ready. 30 questions per day is reasonable in my opinion when starting out. Assuming you are taking quality notes it will take 3-6 hours. If you felt weak on the 30 questions, repeat it the next day.

    The key here is you get to break down the topic into SMALL PARTS. This is the key to nailing a metric-ton of information, you have to break it down. When you are good on a subject you move on.

    4) When you get to MEDIUM topics, do 20 questions at a time instead. Then for MINOR, just do 10. The reason for this, is you could have a very difficult/time-consuming topic (like AMT for REG), but the exam might only ask 2 questions on it, so it doesn't make sense to spend days learning it- just practice a # of questions in proportion to the topic's weight.

    That's it! Monitor your %s. When you finish and feel pretty good about the topics, rewrite your notes on legal pads, only better organized. Practice SIMS. You can get through it as fast as you want this way, and not lose any time on unnecessary/weak study material.

    Good Luck All!


    BEC: 1X PASSED 86! (Feb 2014)
    AUD: 2X PASSED 69,87! (July 2014)
    REG: 3X PASSED 58,66,78! (Jan 2015)
    FAR: 1X FAIL 51 (Scheduled April 1st)

    Illinois Candidate


    Set your study schedule and pace. Do not allow yourself to be pressured by your review materials “recommended schedule”.

    Audit: 11/28/15 (72) April 2016
    Regulation: 2016
    Financial: 2016
    Business: 2016

    "The CPA exam is not a test of my ability, it is a test of my will. I have the will!"


    Exam tip: don't study for an extended period of time (over 8 weeks). I failed the exams that I postponed and ended up studying for 2-3 months for. Compared to the exams that I passed because I condensed my study time because of time constraints.


    Exam tip: Get the darn thing done before you start work full time if at all possible.


    Exam tip: Doing as many MCs and understanding why its right or wrong is the best way to learn the materiel

    AUD--52,68,83, expired. Retake = 74 RETAKE - 7.24.26
    BEC-- 79
    REG-- 68,62,75


    Randomly chosen winners (using Excel's Randbetween function to select the post #)






    Please email and let me know which Ten Point Combo section you would like.

    Thanks for participating everyone. Congrats to the winners!


    Woohoo! Congrats and email sent! Thanks Jeff!

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