NINJA Notes – Now Fully Updated for July 2011 Exams

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    Just wanted to say that I purchased the REG notes and they were great. I used them in conjuntion with the Wiley book (I think the Ninja outline actually follows the Wiley book?) and I would use the outline to make all of my notes. It helped me to keep my notes organized and it highlighted all of the really important topics. I used this outline only for a week of my REG studying, so it was more of a Cram product for me. Right before my test I flipped through all of the notes really quick and I think it really helped! I intend on using the AUD notes throughout all of my AUD studying. Seriously, well worth the money!

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    Thanks for the feedback, Kandis…much appreciated.



    I used the BEC notes and read them every night for over 3 weeks, plus the day of the test. I'm hoping for good things at the end of June.

    I also have the FAR notes for my 5/26 retest and will do the same with those.


    Jeff, I'm a little confused on the REG Ninja guides. (first, i really like them they seem to be super helpful so far)!

    There is a section in the NINJA notes that is labeled “Professional Responsibilities.” Is this the section that was moved to AUD or is this an area we still need to know? I don't know why i struggle so much with figuring out which exact sections/topics moved to AUD. I'm using Becker, so maybe that's why there seems to be some incongruency?

    THanks again for putting these together!


    Good question – part of it moved to AUD…some of it stayed in REG. I left the parts like Taxpayer Liability, which remains in REG.


    Ninja Notes are great! I purchased them and just added my own notes on the side!

    BEC 2010 Q3 91
    FAR 2010 Q4 88
    REG 2011 Q1 90
    AUD 2011 Q2 93



    I'm using the Becker books, software, and flashcards. Will it be difficult to follow the Ninja courses since I'm not using Wiley? Does it have more/different information?


    The Ninja notes should work with any review program. I've been using it with CPAexcel and a little bit of Wiley.

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011

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