Free (BEC) NINJA Notes & Audio

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    I got the audio for BEC and although Jeff released it close to my exam date, I think that listening to it repeatedly when you have time (commute) would be very beneficial. It goes along with his Ninja Notes, but you don't need to read the Notes while listening. The notes are good for rewriting. I feel that listenting helps a lot – the repetition. Just like doing MCQ over and over, only the audio reinforces concepts. I wish I would have had it longer as I see the benefit of listening to it to keep things fresh. That's my learning style. I will say that I hope not to ever have to listen to it again, but I haven't gotten my BEC score yet which has had me very nervous as this is my last exam. (BEC VA 456). So we'll see how it goes. I would have bought the other audios had Jeff had them available when I was studying for the other sections! Best of luck!!!!


    I really like the audio, even though I am not generally an audio person. I listen and take notes. It really breaks it down into what you really need to know.

    And Jeff has a nice voice, so it isn't hard to listen to!

    REG - 89
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 87
    AUD - 81
    Used CPAexcel, Wiley Online Practice, and NINJA!


    I need to order the audio myself here shortly. I HATED the Gleim audio that I had for the CMA. Professional readers sound a bit more, well, professional than the Ninja stuff, but its also what makes me want to drive off a bridge. If there is a heaven/hell, they are playing Gleim audio in hell- I'm sure of it.

    I listened to the whole ninja audit sample and was able to stay focused and continue to listen for the whole time because it sounds more like a guy just talking. Probably because it is a guy just talking.

    And with that I'm off to order my audio.

    Mrs 300

    Well, to me it really seems like a no-brainer! I am on my way to purchasing the FAR audio. I know how important it is to use all tools available to you. It could be the difference of ONE POINT.

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂

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