New to the board…REG Ninja notes

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  • #174376

    Hey everyone,

    Been reading the forums here for a while now, but figured I’d add to some of the discussions since I’ve found this site was a nice place to reassure myself as I’ve been studying the past few months.

    I took FAR earlier this week, and I’m about to dive into REG which (hopefully) is my last section. Not really sure what kind of score to expect out of FAR, but pass or not, I’d really like to get REG knocked out my first try before I start working in January.

    I guess my question to you all would be, what have your experiences been with the REG Ninja notes? I’ve stuck to Becker self-study for my first 3 tests and felt well prepared for the exam, but tax is an area I think I’ll need to put a little extra effort into. All input is appreciated.


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