New to NINJA please help. Thanks

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  • #190741

    NINJA Question –

    So this is my last chance. I have tried and failed so many of these exams. Currently I have passed FAR, BEC, REG however, If I don’t pass AUD in the next test window FAR and BEC fall off and at this point in my life I can’t afford to buy new study materials or the time that it would take. So I have one last chance.

    I currently use Gleim. I just got my score back from AUD and received a 72. I really thought I passed. I bought for the first time Ninja MCQ + Sims.

    I have seen the thread where people discuss their trending score against their actual score. I guess my question is can someone briefly explain the benefits of NINJA? I just bought the Ninja MCQ so where do I find the trending score. I assume It’s in the dashboard on the bottom right and it just always changes based off of how you do recently.

    Another question. This is my last chance. I’m giving it all I have. If I get my trending score somewhere in the low 80’s using Ninja am I safe to assume I can schedule the test ASAP after that and have a good chance of passing?

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  • #633665

    The trending/actual scores were in the upper righthand corner of the dashboard when I used the MCQs for FAR in April/May – the interface may have changed since then though so someone correct me if I'm wrong on that.

    Jeff's target trending score heading into an exam is 85%.

    Benefits – too numerous to mention. It's a much better program than Wiley for sure – and by all accounts is much better than other test banks. The explanations are much more detailed than other programs – the information almost amounts to a textbook. I think Jeff has said that if you use it right, you can technically get away with just using the test bank to study. I used that, the Ninja notes and Ninja flashcards, as well as my Wiley book for reference for my FAR retake and I maintain that it was the Ninja products that got me over the 75 mark. I think they are all AICPA released questions as well, so they should give you a decent idea of what you are going to face on exam day.

    You might consider getting the Ninja notes – or at the minimum the flashcards. I think there's a $7 sale going on right now, and they are worth every penny. You can set them up online, but I found it more beneficial to buy a bunch of 3×5 notecards (super cheap) and spend the time writing each one out, and then bribe friends to quiz with me. I didn't join this forum until after I passed AUD, but used them for FAR, BEC & REG and found them extremely helpful. I imagine they would be for AUD as well.

    Good luck!!!


    Thank you taxgeek. I added the notes. I think writing stuff down as you suggested and as Jeff suggests could be something that puts me over the 75 mark. I do often find myself forgetting what I studied weeks ago.

    I will shoot for a 85% on my trending score before scheduling the exam. Do you know how the trending score is calculated? Is it just the score of my last 5 study sessions. So if I do 5 10 question study sessions and do well on all five will that make my trending score seem higher than it maybe should be?


    I want to say yes, but I'm not 100% sure. I know it goes off of your more recent sessions, because it kept going up as I was redoing questions and getting them right. I'm just not sure how recent/not recent the sessions are.

    Someone else out there might have a better explanation than I? It also has this adaptive learning feature that eventually targets your weak areas and hammers you with questions there. It's pretty slick.

    I hope the notes help you – I only wrote them once for FAR but only spent a few weeks studying for the retake, so that's all I had time for. That and going through the flashcards a handful of times were enough for me though (keep in mind that 9/10 answers the first time through were “I don't know!” – I had to go through them a few times until I memorized them). Others have suggested writing the notes out multiple times until you basically have them memorized.

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