Looking for Ninja Wisdom and Inspiration

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  • #176982

    I scheduled Reg on April 15th (intentionally) LOL. I HAVE to pass on this attempt because otherwise my FAR credit will expire and for reasons I won’t go into my family has stated they are DONE with me studying etc. So I am feeling the pressure to pass Reg and then I have to take BEC before the end of May. I am using the NINJA notes, Audio, have started to rewrite the notes, have been through the Yaeger videos multiple times, taken copius notes of my own etc.. This last couple of days I can feel a sense of “what’s the use” creeping over me and I know I can’t think like that. I don’t think I can read the Ninja notes 5X before the exam but I am looking at each section thoroughly when I review that section and do all the MQ’s and Sims in the Wiley test bank. I know my problem is I try to get too detailed and end up not retaining the “big picture”…..any advice or wisdom would really be appreciated.

    FAR 61 78*
    AUD 73 76
    REG 64 68 75
    BEC 60

    *expired 6/9/13

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  • #408398

    as you go through the ninja notes, try highlighting the areas that you are not retaining and make sure to read those multiple times. you still need to read through the entire set as well as much as possible but if you can at least hit those topics you are having trouble with that may help.

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