Is this a good 9 day Review Plan/Is NINJA audio worth it if I only have 9 days

  • Creator
  • #195746

    NINJA Question –

    I just finished up the Becker Self Study and I watched all the lectures and went through all the multiple choice/Sims

    Is this a good 9 day plan

    Becker Practice Test 1

    Spend about 4-6 hours each day on MCQ (NINJA MCQs, MCQs form CPAreviewforfree, and go over Becker MCQ) and Becker SIMs

    Going over topics in the textbook that i seem to be struggling with on the MCQs and SIMs

    Becker Practice Test 2 about two or three days before the test

    Go over weak points in textbook and hammer more MCQ


    Is the NINJA REG audio worth buying if i only have 9 days to use it?

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  • Author
  • #685128

    This plan sounds great. The most important thing is for you to look forward to studying. If you spend 9 days trying your absolute best, then a plan such as this should work just fine. I always felt that whatever plan kept me studying was the plan to do. Some days I just needed to read over material, others I needed to pound out 250 multiple choice questions.

    Whatever keeps your motor going will work best!

    Audit(11/5/13) - 89
    Reg(5/16/14) - 86
    FAR(7/18/14) - 82
    BEC(11/14) - 85


    Should i sppend $97 on NINJA Audio? Will it make a big difference in 9 days


    9 days? I would get the MCQ.


    purchased the Ninja MCQ….i thought i had them already. I had the Ninja flashcards lol

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