If you\’re struggling with these exams

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  • #1325153

    NINJA Question –

    If you’re struggling with these exams I HIGHLY recommend adding ninja mcq for your review 2 weeks before the exam. I couldn’t pass one, then I started ripping through ninja mc for review a few weeks out from exam day, and I passed 2 back to back.

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  • #1325174

    Do you think NINJA MCQ was enough for BEC? How was your trending vs actual?


    Ya I think it worked the best for BEC so far because ninja questions for BEC are way harder than the exam. I think I was trending a 65 and got a 77 on the actual exam for BEC.


    I would definitely review a book first whether Becker or ninja quickly, like a week of skimming, then go straight to ninja mc.


    I am currently trending 74% and my test is Dec 9. People are freaking me out a little bit saying how hard BEC is. I wonder if the writing portion is screwing them up?


    I think its hard for some people because there are so many random topics that don't fit together. Don't freak out if you are trending 75 you will definitely be fine. I found the BEC ninja MCQ WAY harder than the real thing. But for AUD they were comparable to the actual, very similar. Just don't get too hung up on any one MC question and save like 45 minutes for the written. Do you have any tips for FAR? I'm taking that next


    I took BEC twice, and both times I felt the WC was manageable (speaking solely from my experience). My plan was to format it is as such: Intro describing what you're going to discuss, two or three paragraphs with key points and descriptive words answering the question(s) presented, and a closing sign off with a future time to discuss the memo/contact information


    Thanks @iceman6

    My biggest takeaways for for FAR are:
    1) Try and do all problems as a journal entry.
    2) Master Governmental, especially the funds an fund types. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIUFUtKIO3E that video helped me alot. I made up a stupid nuemonic: Governmental Funds, if you know anything about the Fed Govt they are paid on the GS scale.

    SO GSDCP Governmental Scale Paid DC
    Proprietary: PIE , you have an awesome PIE recipe that you want to share
    Fiduciary: F PIPA for PIPA Middleton, because she is hot and you get the point.

    Governmental Funds – To finance and account for governmental activities (police, fire, courts, inspection, general administration), modified accrual, current financial focus
    G – General Fund
    S – Special Revenue Fund
    D – Debt Service Fund
    C – Capital Project Fund, capital assets and LT liabilities are reported ONLY in the govt wide F/S
    P – Permanent Funds
    Proprietary Funds – To finance and account governments self supporting biz activites (utilities), economic resources measurement and accrual basis of accounting
    I – Internal Service Fund
    E – Enterprise Funds
    Fiduciary Funds – To account for resources (and any related liabilities) held by a governments entity to benefit others (NOT support governents programs) economic resource focus, accrual
    P – Private purpose trust fund
    I – Investment Trust Funds
    P – Pension and other employee benefit trust fund
    A – Agency Fund

    I never practiced a FAR sim. I did look at them to gain an understanding though (like two). I did create a spreadsheet based on the one Jeff provided for MCQ trending vs actual. Out of 44 people, people trending over 63 passed except for 2 people. Just something to shoot for.

    Here were my NINJA MCQ stats:

    Total Questions Attempted : 3,222
    Avg Score: 64
    Avg Trending:75
    Questions Not Answered Correctly: 510

    Oh and if you run out of time. Just put zeros could get partial credit for the SIMS.

    Lastly if you want my notes, I can send you the Excel schedule.


    I am a firm believer in Ninja MCQ. I failed my first two attempts at BEC. I added Ninja MCQ and got a 78. My trending was 60%.

    I’m sitting for REG on Monday and I’m pounding questions. The more questions I do, the better I feel about my exam. I’m hoping for a pass.

    Porma Fierles

    I am studying for FAR too, I take it in 13 days. The sheer amount of info is the hardest part about FAR I think. I am using Becker's book and Ninja MCQ.


    @laxman- thanks for that write up! just screen shot the whole thing. I'm on chapter 2 right now, I've just been reading the chapter, taking notes. Once I'm done with the book ill just rip through ninja mcq. Good luck on BEC!

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