How to combine Ninja Notes/Audio with CPAexcel?

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  • #177334

    CPAexcel recommends you go through all of the modules (lectures and MCQ) up until the week before you take the exam, but the Ninja method recommends you watching the videos, first, then writing the notes, then doing the MCQ. So let’s say if I have 7 weks for REG, and am using CPAexcel, Ninja notes/audio, and WIley Test Bank, how can I reconcile the 2 methods and for how long to I allocate the time? (i.e. how long to spend on watching lectures, doing MCQ, reading notes, etc.)

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  • #411156

    @Determined – Are you buying the Ninja Notes/Audio and Wiley to supplement CPAExcel? I got the same score as you with CPAExcel alone, so I want to supplement it with something else…


    I'm using CPAExcel, Rogers Cram and Ninja Notes. I have modified the study plan to accommodate how I learn best and the three different items I'm studying. Essentially, I'm reading through each module and doing the MCQs so that I can turn the items green and keep up with the study plan that CPAExcel has put out. But, then, I'm also listening to the CRAM lectures and taking notes and rewriting NINJA notes and listening to the audio during the day at work (with my headphones on). Then, after I do all of that I'm doing the Wiley study bank. So, basically I'm tackling it from different angles. I'm also writing down the concepts in CPAExcel that I seem to be struggling with the most and really focusing on those. Also, each time I finish a module in CPAExcel I do the MCQ tutor and add in that module, but leave the other modules that I've already completed so that I can ensure that I don't forget what I've learned earlier on.

    I'm studying for AUD and taking it on May 20. I've been studying for a week.


    @Consultant The 60 is more my fault than the review products. I spent 3-and-a-half months studying on and off (situation of post grad searching for a job) and also I only used CPAexcel for the lectures did MCQ with Wiley. If I restudy, I'm going through both CPAexcel MCQ as well as Wiley MCQ and am going to do more Sims.

    I think for MCQ, CPAexcel and Wiley kind of overlap so either one is sufficient by itself. But I could see the potential benefits of the Ninja Notes and Ninja Audio. They are a decent summary/review. The notes and audio basically have the same content, so unless you want both a PDF version and an audio version (which some people do), then only one of those is sufficient as well.


    @Determined – I just took a sample AUD test with Wiley (trial version), and the SIMs were exactly the same as CPAExcel. I think that, especially since CPAExcel is now owned by Wiley, there is going be much overlap. Worth buying?

    I still have reservations about the Ninja Audio, but may purchase it eventually.

    I studied FAR for 6 months, probably way too long! I got a 60 🙁


    @Consultant Hehe I think both of us studied for too long. I think Jeff said the max is like 10 weeks. CPAexcel for MCQ is good enough, unless you want the additional practice in which case Wiley can't hurt. And the Ninja notes and audio is just a matter of personal preference, but my learning style is a hybrid of visual/auditory so having both the notes and audio I feel does help me.

    Link: Current CPAexcel Discount Codes

    CPAexcel CPA Review

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