Forum Giveaway (Friday 10/24): NINJA MCQ x 5 – Topic: Career Tips - Page 7

  • Creator
  • #189448

    NINJA Question –

    The Giveaway: There will be 5 winners randomly chosen.

    Each winner will get access to the MCQ section of their choice (3 mo access).

    Value of prize: $47

    How to Enter: Post a “Career” tip on ONE of the following:

    1) Interviewing / Pre-Employment social gatherings / etc

    2) Internships

    3) Public Accounting

    4) General Career Tip

    Simple as that šŸ™‚

    If a winner already has NINJA MCQ, they can substitute it for NINJA Notes or extend their current subscription.

    Winners selected at 5pm EST Friday 10/25.

Viewing 8 replies - 91 through 98 (of 98 total)
  • Author
  • #614710

    4) General Career Tip: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.


    “4) General Career Tip: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

    i did that for an interview once…they were not thrilled with the batman costume

    Aud-75 3x I knew i never liked you
    Bec-77 1x being in the bubble is stressful
    Reg-82 4x its not me its you...and no we cant be friends
    Far-78 1x easiest section


    4) The more monitors you have, the less productive you will be šŸ˜®

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    When looking for a new or first time job, money isn't everything. The right corporate culture, managing style, home-work balance, etc., can often times provide more satisfaction than a fat paycheck. Being miserable every day is not worth a company essentially “buying out” your life.

    B - 80
    A - 82
    R - 79
    F - 77


    "No shortcuts, work for it."


    Career tip – Internships

    Be polite to everyone, always have a pen and a notebook with you when someone gives you an assignment, ask questions if you do not understand. You are allowed to ask questions as an intern. Also plan accordingly, if your internship is only 10-12 weeks long, do not ask for a two-week vacation.


    General lessons that I've learned during my first 5 years of my career:

    1) The early bird gets the worm. Show up early for work. I feel it sets the tone for yourself and the entire office. Plus, it gives you some valuable time to yourself without interruptions from other staff members to get some work cranked out.

    2) Busy season sucks. However, that does not allow you to be the individual that whines and complains all of the time. Believe me, nobody wants to work with an individual like that. Instead, focus on being a big team player, help out others and crank out quality work. It has been my experience that my efforts have been rewarded and I've developed strong rapport with other co-workers for my attitude and effort during busy season.

    3) Make your work your own. It has your name on it. Make sure it's right and well supported.

    4) Learn from your mistakes. Take the time to make notes to ensure you understand why you made the mistake so that you don't make it again. It is incredibly annoying working with people that make the same mistakes over and over and over again.

    5) Above all else, maintain your integrity and character. Do things the right way and don't cut corners when you're tempted to do so.

    AUDIT - 78 (10/28/13)- ROGER CPA REVIEW / Wiley Test Bank
    BEC - 76 (02/09/14) - ROGER CPA REVIEW / Wiley Test Bank
    REG - 88 (01/30/15) - ROGER CPA REVIEW / Wiley Test Bank / NINJA Test Bank & Notes
    FAR - 80 (4/10/15) - ROGER CPA REVIEW / Wiley Test Bank / NINJA Test Bank & Notes


    1.Believe and have confidence in yourself going into an interview.

    2.Employers are looking at technical skills & if you would fit into their culture.

    3. Ask lots of questions – meaningful questions not so many ” did you see that touchdown pass by Romo”

    4. While interviewing, make sure to gauge and adjust accordingly to the situation.

    5. Finally take it personal – if you don't get hired – stay positive and attack in future interviews.

    AUD--52,68,83, expired. Retake = 74 RETAKE - 7.24.26
    BEC-- 79
    REG-- 68,62,75


    Here are the winners! (randomly chosen, of course):





    Future Ninja

    I have emailed each of you re: NINJA MCQ.

    Thank you everyone for participating!

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