FAR is pretty much going into financial statements (whatever kind) in-depth (all the accounts).
I got tired of Roger's book for AUD and have switched over to Ninja just because I like the the breakdown/org better and since financial accounting is my strong point, I am doing okay so far. I'm only page chapter 1 and have finished 2 sections so far though.(..had a bit of a break for some stuff cuz it's better to take a break B4 the exam, then in between when I actually start studying seriously)
I do wish that they came with a table of contents (instead I had to create my own) because it took me a while to create my custom calendar with it. But it's about 600+ pages give or take.
I would say Ninja is the 2nd “briefest” but they really help me understand MCQ and is written in “plain English” which I prefer. ..I don't know about the SIMS though, the only one I bothered doing those for are REG and I doubt I'm going to do them for FAR.
My recommendations if strapped for cash:
1. Youtube- FAR videos
2. find which chapters are most important and skip/skim a few chapters or only get a small understanding of those and concentrate on those chapters that are important.
If you want the most bang for your buck Ninja book and MCQ is the way to go. Other stuff is good at reinforcing the concepts (ninja audio, Ninja videos) Then only thing I don't think really helped me is Ninja MCQ audio (you have to pay too much attention to follow) and I'd rather create my own notes then use the Ninja (TBH I don't know if they would make that much sense without the book, since they are probably brief bullet points of stuff that came from the book).