Does the NINJA framework WORK? - Page 3

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  • #182886

    As you can see in my signature I have Roger’s review course. Right now I am still trudging through just watching the lectures and have about halfway to go.

    I feel guilty that I am ONLY watching the videos since we’re being constantly told to watch the lecture then work the problems, re-work the problems, etc. etc. etc.I have not started anything else as of yet, so I just really need some positive reassurance that the NINJA order of things truly has worked for some others.

    Another problem I’m having is with note taking. I do my best to write down little “fact nuggets” as we go but with Roger I almost feel like sometimes its best to just sit and listen to him and try to absorb rather than write down notes because once you write down one topic he is already 4 topics ahead. So while watching the videos I am following along in the book and reading things as he is talking about them/reading them.

    After I am done with the videos I plan on re-writing the NINJA notes while going through the Roger CPA book for each section and writing down little things that maybe the NINJA notes do not include. Does this strategy sound useful at all or should I re-think my entire game plan?

    Another problem I have is the constant feeling that I am “running out of time” even though my first exam (FAR) is not until the last week of February.

    In short: I’M FREAKING OUT.

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  • #502313

    The NINJA method is not just for cramming, it is an entire plan of study the whole way through. Definitely check it out, but I will post the short version here straight from the study planner.

    (N)AIL THE VIDEOS Watch all of the videos before doing any MCQs and get them out of the way.

    (I)NTENSE NOTES Take intense notes – make them “review quality”.

    (N)ON-STOP MCQS Work MCQs in your book and software – take notes as well.

    (J)UST RE-WRITE IT Re-write your notes. It's tedious, but the information will “stick” better.

    (A)LL COMES TOGETHER Review, Review, Review.

    Thank you everyone for the comments and especially ‘studylongUstudywrong' you've put my mind at ease. Now to get to watching these videos and to stop procrastinating!


    The NINJA method is not just for cramming, it is an entire plan of study the whole way through. Definitely check it out, but I will post the short version here straight from the study planner.

    (N)AIL THE VIDEOS Watch all of the videos before doing any MCQs and get them out of the way.

    (I)NTENSE NOTES Take intense notes – make them “review quality”.

    (N)ON-STOP MCQS Work MCQs in your book and software – take notes as well.

    (J)UST RE-WRITE IT Re-write your notes. It's tedious, but the information will “stick” better.

    (A)LL COMES TOGETHER Review, Review, Review.

    Thank you everyone for the comments and especially ‘studylongUstudywrong' you've put my mind at ease. Now to get to watching these videos and to stop procrastinating!


    Thank you guys, I will get the ninja notes, I think it will help me a great deal.



    Thank you guys, I will get the ninja notes, I think it will help me a great deal.



    I just took my first test, so I can't attest to the Ninja way yet. However, going through the 1st chapter the way they tell you to left me completely overwhelmed. I really liked the Ninja of doing things. Jeff was absolutely right. When I went back to the first chapter after everything else, I didn't even remember half of what was covered.

    After I went through all of the sims, homework, and lectures, I would begin writing fact nuggets the second time through. Some things clicked that hadn't previously, so I only wrote things I couldn't seem to remember. Or came up over and over.

    AUD 83
    FAR 80
    REG 83
    BEC 81


    I just took my first test, so I can't attest to the Ninja way yet. However, going through the 1st chapter the way they tell you to left me completely overwhelmed. I really liked the Ninja of doing things. Jeff was absolutely right. When I went back to the first chapter after everything else, I didn't even remember half of what was covered.

    After I went through all of the sims, homework, and lectures, I would begin writing fact nuggets the second time through. Some things clicked that hadn't previously, so I only wrote things I couldn't seem to remember. Or came up over and over.

    AUD 83
    FAR 80
    REG 83
    BEC 81


    @rigouventura I think that maintaining a focused frenzy is the hardest part. “Digging for fire!” Failing 3 tests, wanting a raise, and having a baby helped me with my digging.

    On CPA Excel and Wiley, you can switch modes to show the answers as you select them. I do not have experience with Becker. Sorry.

    Licensed Texas CPA


    @rigouventura I think that maintaining a focused frenzy is the hardest part. “Digging for fire!” Failing 3 tests, wanting a raise, and having a baby helped me with my digging.

    On CPA Excel and Wiley, you can switch modes to show the answers as you select them. I do not have experience with Becker. Sorry.

    Licensed Texas CPA


    To answer your original question, YUP! I'm proof of that! Listen to Jeff and do what he says and you will pass. Of course you will be hearing his voice in your head while you try to go to sleep, and you WILL be sick of it, but when you hear his voice telling you which answer is right during an exam, you will be glad you became a NINJA!


    To answer your original question, YUP! I'm proof of that! Listen to Jeff and do what he says and you will pass. Of course you will be hearing his voice in your head while you try to go to sleep, and you WILL be sick of it, but when you hear his voice telling you which answer is right during an exam, you will be glad you became a NINJA!


    I believe in the NINJA system 100%! Write fact nuggets in your NINJA notes from your MCQs, re-write them as much as possible, read them every night before bed, flash cards every time you have a few free minutes. Live and breath the NINJA Notes! MCQs until you can't do any more …then do more MCQs. It is imperative to know which answer is right and why the other three are wrong. Good luck!


    I believe in the NINJA system 100%! Write fact nuggets in your NINJA notes from your MCQs, re-write them as much as possible, read them every night before bed, flash cards every time you have a few free minutes. Live and breath the NINJA Notes! MCQs until you can't do any more …then do more MCQs. It is imperative to know which answer is right and why the other three are wrong. Good luck!


    I'm beginning to study for my retake for AUD and since my original plan obviously didn't go well, I'm giving the ninja plan a go…. since I'm using becker and have already listened to the lecture videos once, does it make sense to listen to the ninja audio this time around? I've purchased the 10 point combo to supplement my materials and I'm looking at all of the different ways I can do this and getting stressed…. any advice?

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."

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