Cant Purchase NINJA MCQ materials??? - Page 2

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  • #1599699
    Big Mike

    NINJA Question –

    Going to the website now and I cant find a way to purchase jut the MCQ alone. I am being redirected to a page and it will only allow me to purchase larger packages like Scout, Sniper, and Assault.

    Is something wrong with the website?

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  • #1600949

    Bummer, I was going to purchase BEC MCQ's tomorrow. To bad we didn't get a heads-up about the change or did I miss that?


    Just want to gripe a little about this change. I have purchased the Ninja notes/flashcards in the past and that doesn't work well with my studying. I like to use the Ninja MCQ's cause it was a quick and easy process and I didn't mind paying less than $50 if I needed it again. I can pay $150 to get the Wiley test bank for a year's worth of access instead of 3 months, so I don't see the value especially since I have purchased majority of the Ninja products.

    REG - 77 (will lose in Jan 2016)

    BEC - 67 74, 75

    AUD - 56, 70, Will try again ๐Ÿ™

    FAR - ??

    Save the beast for last.


    CPAwannab – I didn't make an announcement. Instead, I decided to grandfather in all Ten Point Combo customers (increase their 3 mo access to 1 year), as well as offer a free swap-out to anyone who has the notes or other materials already and didn't want the redundancy with their purchase – particularly with the Scout package.

    Tipofga80 – if you already have several ninja products, shoot me an email ( and I'll take a look and we can work something out, no problem.


    @CPAwannab, this exactly the problem. I was about to buy it 2 weeks ago and I said maybe I can wait until I do another review to be ready for heavy MCQs and SIMs practice using Ninja.
    Now I don't know what to do. REG is my last section and I'm not willing to pay additional 80$ for something I will never use.

    Maybe Jeff you can make the MCQs more expensive but available for purchase as stand alone product.

    FAR: 73, 85
    BEC: 79
    REG: TBA
    AUD: TBA


    Medo_Omar – The point wasn't to raise the price … it was to move from 10 products to 3. For this reason, I gave all of the Ten Point Combo customers 3 free renewals of their 3 mo access, essentially.

    I put the book and the plus videos in the middle package vs keeping it in the combo, as before – and I doubled the access time to 6 mo.

    It was all about having a simplified – and affordable CPA Review solution.

    Yes – some people will naturally go elsewhere, unfortunately.

    To your question – Just pretend like I raised the price of the MCQ to $127 and ignore the notes/flashcards. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Just to say to Jeff: I really appreciate your efforts in helping us become cpa's. The other companies wouldn't ask, alternate, discount, discuss, swap, email, or plain'ole work it out for candidates to have access to their products. So in case we feel a little entitled, thank you for being so merciful on our (my) pockets and providing enough materials in one package to attempt to pass. I guess I better speak for myself….back to studying.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    @Tncincy I second that. I appreciate the transparency and customer service. Great product.


    @tncincy and @jtvande I third that! I will still be buying when I inevitably have to retake REG, and the prices are still pretty cheap imo


    To your question โ€“ Just pretend like I raised the price of the MCQ to $127 and ignore the notes/flashcards. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Jeff, 127$ is a huge raise ๐Ÿ™‚

    You know Jeff, I'm using Ninja for 2 years now, And I used Ninja MCQs for every section and now I have only one section left to finish (I wish). But sadly this time I can't afford to buy Ninja MCQs because of the high exchange rate between my local currency and $. And this doesn't denying the fact that I'm really appreciate all Ninja's help (You and the community) through CPA studying and I can't imagine studying CPA without Ninja.

    , 100% agreed

    FAR: 73, 85
    BEC: 79
    REG: TBA
    AUD: TBA


    Jeff and ninja are the best!! Good luck to you all!!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I recently took FAR, studied a month or so with Becker, and got a 73. My Becker software expires in October. The primary reason I failed was due to the Simulations. I had the pleasure of getting 2 DRS from hell and the others were just as bad. I'm trying to gauge which Ninja package to purchase, if I do end up purchasing one.

    I plan to begin studying beginning in September and taking the Exam maybe November/December closer to the exam release date so I don't have to wait 3 months again.

    Any suggestions? I have no desire to listen to Timmy anymore.


    It depends upon what you need. From what I understand you can't really study sims, but many have did the mcq's until they felt like sims. So there is a choice based upon what you need. I would take a look and not pass if it.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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