BEC Study with only NINJA

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  • #193411

    NINJA Question –

    So now that busy season and my one weekend of freedom has commenced – its back on the study wagon. I am re-taking BEC and this time only using the NINJA package (books, notes, blitz etc). I studied and took BEC AUD and REG with Becker the first time around and its expired and too expensive to repurchase. I have passed REG twice now, and will lose it again in November.

    I am taking BEC on May 29th and probably will aim to study 2-3 hours on 3 weeknights and 4-8 hours on both weekend days and then kick it into high gear that last week to 10 days. When I took it the last time I got a 71 (budgeting I just never understood).

    So my question is – how do I best use all these items in the 5 weeks that I have? I know everyone is different – but some vague “itineraries” would be useful of how people used there study time with NINJA only.

    REG - 84 - Expired, 78
    AUD - 83
    BEC - 79
    FAR - 8/31/15

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  • Author
  • #664646

    Hi swolfe. Since you've already studied for BEC once, I'd recommend doing a lot of MCQs this time around. You should be able to pinpoint your weak areas that way and then go back and re-read the chapters you're weak on. Do not ignore the Corporate Governance and IT chapters. These two chapters make up a large portion of the exam (as denoted in the CSOs) and are easy points to get (no calculations) if you spend the proper amount of time reading through them. Best of luck!


    I'm in the same boat. I used Roger full review and supplemented with Wiley/CPAexcel test bank. I just received my BEC score- a 74 so back to cramming in q3. I've looked at a lot of the info through various threads and will likely get the Becker MCQs. The site shows them around $50 but I don't know how thorough they are. I've just seem that most of the ppl that have used Becker passed and that's what I need. Studying for AUD now so I may end up doing both Becker MCQs and Ninja MCQs- both combined are still cheaper than Wiley test bank. I just felt like Wiley asked a lot of questions off topic and didn't prepare me much for the actual test. Roger reiterated areas that would be on the test and I should have listened more to him. IT was barely touched on Wiley and only gave five TBS's.

    REG (72), 77 July '14
    FAR (74), 79 Jan '15
    BEC (74), 85 August '15
    AUD 80 July '15

    Material: Roger full review, Wiley test bank all four topics
    Ninja MCQ: AUD and BEC retake

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