Audit Question (Becker/Ninja)

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  • #1673720

    NINJA Question –

    Which MCQ source provides a more accurate depiction of the audit exam, Ninja or Becker? I normally solely pound the Ninja MCQ’s a week out but I have been trending abnormally high prior to this test 90% compared to the previous test that I have used it for. With Becker I am trending lower 70% – 90% but generally Becker has always been a lot wordier than the actual tests for me. Anyone have words of advice on which source is more beneficial for this exam?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Author
  • #1673722

    In general, both courses license questions from the same place/very similar places. Hence so many repeat questions between different review courses. That being said, I don't think you can really go wrong with one over another. However, between Wiley and Ninja, I like Ninja better (only taken one exam though).


    I would suggest practicing the harder questions, so if the exam is easier you would be able to move through the MCQ's more rapidly leaving you more time for the SIMs. Unless you start to memorize the Becker questions, then switch back to Ninja.

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