Anyone else never get a refund when dissatisfied with a purchase from Another71?

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  • #175910

    It’s been over a week now and all I got was an email saying that my refund was confirmed. The notes were a waste of time at least in my situation because they were subpar compared to the Yaeger notes and couldn’t even be considered supplemental worthy. The one good thing I derived from the purchase was a few study tips at the beginning of the notes handout. Now that I asked for my money back, this “drama free” guarantee of a refund is nowhere to be found. I wouldn’t recommend anyone else purchasing if this is how it normally turns out. If I never get my money back I’ll probably be searching in other forums online relating to cpa preparation to see if other people have this issue, and I’ll make sure to add in my voice. This is ridiculous.

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  • #393796

    It seems a number of people on this forum find the NINJA notes helpful for their studies. Different products/methods work better for different people. I'm sure you'll get your refund. But honestly, you need to calm down. There is a fine line between being assertive and being whiny and off-putting. You're beyond that line.

    REG- 91
    AUD- 97
    BEC- 91
    FAR- May


    Feel Free to call Jeff and ask about it. It's not like this is some huge organization with ridiculous outsourced customer service.

    His number is posted on the materials website.

    Also, Yaeger is a full blown review course. Ninja Notes should seem “less than” BECAUSE they are supplemental. This is like comparing a Slam Dunk contest to a regulation game. Sure, you'll see some dunks in a game, but the contest pulls them all out and puts them on display. (Ninja Notes are the slam dunk in this analogy)

    They highlight the important stuff. Sum it up and give some secrets for studying, test taking strategy, etc. If you come across a topic in the Ninja Notes, you should know it through and through. Your review course will give you the additional information and details.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    You're in the wrong place if you're looking for sympathy. Most people here love what Jeff has made available to us. I've bought notes for FAR and AUD and love them.

    Plus refunds are not instant. It took me 2 months to get a refund back from Comcast.

    If you really need an update, Jeff has always responsive to email so send him a polite message asking for an update. It's certainly not “ridiculous” to be waiting a week for a refund.

    Besides, you can't get mad at Jeff when the hold up could very well be your credit card company or bank!


    I am a foreigner and I did not find ninja notes useful but Jeff was very polite and worked out with me. Trust me, he is not running a big business like Beker or Yaeger or Wiley. I can say he is an honest person.

    Now Wiley cd– I purchased but never opened it because I got it thru Roger review and wiley took 8 weeks and I had to throw a fit on them . So please calm down.


    Please check with your bank or credit card.

    My processing is showing a purchase on 1-22 and a completed refund on 1-24.

    Please let me know if this isn't the case.

    Sorry you didn't like the ninja notes…I always honor my no-drama promise.



    @notimpressed… I think most people will agree that Jeff not only provides exceptional customer service, but he also provides an enormous value to the CPA community with his dedication and effort through this forum, providing NINJA material, Wiley discounts, exam tips, study plans, etc.

    As MCLKT said, this is not a large business with a customer service team. Jeff receives an enormous amount of emails every day, I am sure.

    Keep in mind, you are not the only customer.

    Let me take this opportunity to say… NINJA ROCKS!!!! I am deeply grateful for the services Jeff provides and can't even imagine going through this process without A71 and the NINJA strategy!


    FAR - 2012 - PASSED (YAEGER)

    ETHICS - 2013 - PASSED

    DONE!!! Thank you A71 for all the support! Hiya!!!


    I have a business and occasionally have to process refunds for customers. It typically takes 5 to 7 business days before the refund shows up on your account. If you call your credit card company or bank they may can tell you if they see the refund, but you will probably see it by Monday or Tuesday.


    I have the FAR NINJA audio and I could tell you (but I won't) that by listening to the audio over and over I was able to answer five MC's on my FAR exam last Monday.


    The Ninja Notes are not intended to be a replacement for a review textbook or course, and there is nothing on this site that has ever induced me into thinking so! The Ninja Notes are awesome because after reading and outlining a 100 page chapter devoted to ONE topic (hello Becker Auditing Text Chapter on Evidence) it cements your understanding by covering the topic in plain language.

    Refunds via credit card can take up to ten business days to process…especially when you are a small business and not a major retailer like best buy or home depot.

    And let's be honest…if you are seriously sweating $67 of your available credit being tied up for a few days, then I am …@notimpressed. 😉

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK



    REG- 91
    AUD- 97
    BEC- 91
    FAR- May


    “And let's be honest…if you are seriously sweating $67 of your available credit being tied up for a few days, then I am …@notimpressed. ;)”…..Bazinga.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    I didn't finish my post earlier because of the stupid smartphone I was trying to type on, but I have to say that I have always had excellent customer service from Jeff and Another 71. I have used his notes and audio for every exam I have taken. They were the thing that has really put me over the top I believe. They may not be for everyone, but I can say that the majority of users on this forum who have used them have been very happy with them.


    I just LOL'd reading through this topic.

    I have really enjoyed the advice, insight and Ninja Notes I have gotten from this site. I have told everyone I know going through this exam to check out this site and they have all said the same.

    AUD - 80 (05/23/2012)
    FAR - 75 (08/09/2012)
    BEC - 81 (12/05/2012)
    REG - 71 (10/16/2012); 70 (02/12/2013); 78 (04/08/2013)
    Ethics - 98


    It pretty obvious the op just opened an account to hate on jeff. Bye clown




    Ninja notes was the key difference to me finnaly making an 80 on my reg exam. I took it three times and brought it up six points. You don't know the material if that wasn't helpfull

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