2 weeks out

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  • #2027252

    NINJA Question –

    What do you guys do 2 weeks out from your Test Date after going through all the MCQ?

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  • #2027294

    I would do unlimited MCQ's until you feel like throwing up. I would do set of 30 MCQ's and work on weak areas, and then repeat.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    @KJ how many MCQs did you a day? Do you work full time?


    Two weeks out is when I start alternating between Wiley and Ninja. I do MCQs in sets of 10 (I have taken three exams so far so I know I can manage my time during the exam, so doing shorter sets during studying is more motivating for me). I work full-time and I don't know how many MCQs I do a day – I just do them for a couple of hours in the evenings. I'll do Wiley one day and Ninja the next. Some of the questions are the same but they have different ways of explaining things.

    I also go back through the couple of notebooks' worth of notes I took during the review course and re-write the ones that are most tricky for me or that I really need to remember. If there is a topic that is particularly hard for me to grasp I will target my MCQ sessions to just that topic until I've covered them all. I also take notes while doing the MCQs, and then this new shorter set of notes is what I review the day before the exam.

    I also listen to the Ninja audio nonstop during my commute to and from work – I usually start that at four weeks out so that I listen through it several times. It's a good way to keep all the topics fresh in my mind.


    Non stop MCQs. 2 weeks is long time to hammer them out. 100 a day is cool.


    @SuperAccountingGod, I work full-time and married w/2 kids. When I finished reviewing any section (example Bonds, Pension, etc.), I did all the questions that was there for that topic. Just 10 days before my exam, all I did was MCQ's in set of 30 or sometimes 20 and 10 as well. I reset my NINJA MCQ's to gauge what area I was weak on. I realized that I learn better with MCQ. I made my own Notes those last 10 days on a separate new notebook. I know I will not pass but I now know how I learn better. One more thing I realized about that while moving forward with my study plan, I would start forgetting what I learned in prior topics. I think 6-8 weeks is enough for studying any exam. Or you should do mix of questions end of every week and include prior sections so you don't forget and it stays fresh. I will definitely include this in my study plan next time if I did fail. Waiting on Dec 11….

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein

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