Purchasing the Gliem test bank was an essential step for my passing. Using Becker & Gliem, here was my approach:
1. Using Becker, I went through ALL lectures, highlighted and marked EVERYTHING they said, answered ALL questions, and took ALL practice exams.
2. Repeat step 1, re-watch ALL lectures, re-answer ALL questions, and re-take ALL practice exams again.
3. Purchased Gliem test bank for newly worded questions. Spend 2 hours skimming and reviewing all highlighted/marked/underlined material in the book, cover to cover. Spend 2 hours taking Gliem practice tests. Repeat.
4. Go to the test center once I was consistently scoring 80%+ on Gliem practice questions.
5. Decompress for two days and begin again.
A caveat to this is that it was over a summer several years back, and I spent about 10 hours per day, 6 days per week, finishing it between graduation and my first day with the firm. I treated it like a full time job. Spending a few hours each day here and there isn't sufficient. Spending too much time can be as detrimental as spending too little time. You'll eventually forget previously covered material if you move too slow. The exam is a mental marathon and an exercise in discipline. Work effort and proper planning is key.
People I worked with at Big4 that said they chose to put it off are the ones who had the most difficulty passing. All of them regretted their choice.