Wiley CPA Testbank or Gleim CPA Test Prep for REG?

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  • #164966

    Hey everyone,

    I am beginning my preparation for REG now and I am not sure whether I want to purchase Wiley CPA Testbank or Gleim CPA Test Prep for additional MCQ. Please advise on which is the better MCQ testbank for REG. Also, any other advice anyone can offer for this exam would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and good luck to all testing this window.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #363341

    @ 85CPA – I supplemented with the Wiley online testbank which ended up working well for me. It did a good job of identifying weaknesses on material that I thought I knew cold. I did not use Gleim for REG but I did use it for AUD and BEC and was not a huge fan. I found the publisher adapted questions to be too difficult in comparison to what you actually see on the exam. Some people will disagree that the harder questions will make you really know your material however I have found Wiley's testbank to be more in line with what you will actually see on the exam. I feel the exam questions are actually slightly easier than the Wiley questions.


    All else being equal, buying Wiley supports this site 🙂



    Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.


    I used both in my test prep. I liked the online access of Wiley, but I liked the user-interface of gleim better. Wiley interface is identical to the actual exam, but its grey and ugly and not something i want to stare at for hours and hours. For practicing, I liked the way gleim looks much better.

    The questions between them are very very similiar, if not identical in some cases because they are both licensed from the AICPA. I liked the gleim publisher questions better than the wiley publisher questions though, and I like that Gleim tells you which questions are former test questions and which ones are publisher. If I get a publisher quesiton wrong, I feel less bad about it than if I get a former CPA exam question wrong.


    I used Wiley for the REG exam I took a few days ago and the Wiley questions seemed harder than the actual test questions, and there were no surprises come test day.

    REG- 81
    BEC- 72,76
    AUD- 67,88
    FAR- 78



    Thanks everyone! All the input is truly appreciated.


    Wiley is very good I must say. I used it for all my exams to supplement with Becker. I would suggest using Becker first(if you have it). The questions on Wiley are harder but it's a great way to get a true understanding on everything. I also really liked the fact that I could do the questions on my iPhone. I actually had questions on the exam from Wiley. Hopefully I will pass and be done with this.

    I would however suggest using Gleim Simulation Wizard for the sims.

    Licensed - 2012


    Jeff, not sure if you also want to let everyone know that Wiley could be used on smartphones. Great way to practice in bed.

    Licensed - 2012


    @mrcpa…thanks for the tip! I have Wiley online and had not even thought to try it on my iphone….I just did and this will be great! Thanks!


    Gleim is terrible for Reg, they focus on way too much confusing contradictory specific information on super obscure scenarios that will screw up your understanding and limit your ability to get a 75. Just use Wiley, it's a lot more representative of the actual test. Gleim questions are a lot harder, but they're hardly any questions of that difficulty or that specific on the actual exam. Their Regulation SIM wizard gives you a good idea of the kind of sims you'll see though.


    Good call mrcpa…sorry I missed your comment from earlier.

    Yep – Wiley works on your iPhone and iPad with a little tweaking.


    Wiley Wiley Wiley! Bumped my score 20 points. I've never used Gliem though, and I'm the biggest Wiley advocate on this site. I guess that means my opinion doesn't really matter haha

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @Peanut…of course ur opinion matters…we all love u here…<3


    Thanks Terminator, the feeling is mutual :**

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @ Jeff….Do you know when the Wiley update for 2012 goes into effect?

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13

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