Using Becker, should I buy Gleim testbank? - Page 2

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  • #194976

    Looking for feedback. I am currently using Becker to study for REG. I have no complaints but feel like it may not be sufficient – I have already memorized many of the answers. I am thinking about buying Gleim’s testbank for supplementing (I will definitely buy Gleim’s SIM Wizard, at least for REG). Is there anyone else out there who has done this? I think Gleim’s approach to review is very different from Becker’s, so I don’t know if that would help or hinder me. Thoughts?

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  • #675132

    That matches what another thread said ( )

    NINJA's 179 expense number (25k/200k) was correct for Jan-May exams…so hopefully that's a debit back in my column ๐Ÿ™‚

    Last Chance CPA

    I think Gleim has stated $500/$2M, so you win Jeff ๐Ÿ™‚ I think Gleim is unnecessarily difficult, and I haven't enjoyed reading the book either, as there is simply too much detail.

    I have no problem with Ninja MCQ, but as I have failed 4x now, I thought it was time to move away from WTB, Ninja Audio, CPAExcel, and whatever else to Gleim TB/SIMs and Roger Cram….can't hurt. I am desperate.

    I did pass 3 sections using the review materials I just mentioned, without ever touching Roger Cram or Gleim…

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Thanks for everyone's feedback. Also it is super cool that Jeff posted in my thread. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jeff did bring up a good point about the EA questions – I am leery of anything not AICPA licensed. That said, if I went with Ninja, wouldn't there be a lot of overlap with Becker (my understanding is Becker uses AICPA licensed questions as well)?

    Lastly, my Becker REG materials (the 2015 updated version) state 179 as $25K/$200. The book explicitly states that the material contained within is for all exams AFTER May 2015.


    The 25/200 is for January-May exams as well because the 179 rules were retroactively changed, which has no impact on the CPA Exam until 6 mo later.

    In regards to overlap – there will be some I am guessing, but the difference lies mostly in the features…the text explanations, keywords, adaptive learning, and the trending score feature. A lot of people on here use both, actually.

    Plus – with ninja, we don't charge extra for practice exams and sims…that is all built into the $47 price along with the mcq.

    The Trending vs Actual thread will give you a feel for different materials people used in conjunction with ninja, Erika.


    @Jeff, thanks – heading over to check out that thread.

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