REG – Gleim

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  • #1445364

    I passed FAR, AUD, and BEC using only Gleim, trending in the high 70s during my studying. However, I am now trending in the 60s for REG after completing almost half of the study sections. Is REG a more difficult section in Gleim or am I just not comprehending this section as well as I did the other three sections? Should I be concerned? I have almost a full month until my exam, but I would rather not break from my current study habits since they have served me faithfully for the first three exams. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Author
  • #1445369

    I haven't used it for any other exam, but I bought Gleim's test bank for REG after failing my first attempt. Their questions are way harder than any other review course, even the actual exam. They go into more detail on certain things that you probably don't need to know. Their sims are really good though and are the reason I purchased the tb.

    I would keep doing what's worked for you so far. You have plenty of time to focus on whatever is giving you trouble. I think Ninja's mcq's were more in line with the questions I had on my exam so you might want to consider purchasing it for your final review.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I used some Gleim for REG since it was required for an MBA class. But overall, I say to avoid Gleim for REG. It is overly difficult and you can find yourself wasting time with the tiny details that you will never need. But it will definitely pass you.

    If you are in the 60s and another month until the test, don't worry about it, keep doing what you're doing. The actual test will feel like a coloring book if you know Gleim inside and out.


    i was trending in the high 50's

    gleim was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder than the actual test

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