[Rant] Gleim FAR SU 6 on Transfering of receivables

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  • #1514599

    Gleim Question –

    Seriously this part sucks.

    Not only during my undergrad our professors never taught us transfer of receivable when learning receivable in Intermediate Accounting I, this part is written like I’ve never learned English before.

    I had a hard time understanding “factoring” and “pledging”. And what the heck is a “recourse”, speak English please? lol

    This part and the “Note Receivable–Discounting” are the most complicated stuff I’ve learned so far.

    Yes, revenue recognition is complicated as well, but at least I’ve learned revenue recognition before in undergrad

    Sorry, just had to make a frustration post. Now I feel better.

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  • #1514611

    I had a hard time with the chapter also. I felt like I was missing something until I got to chapter 12. This chapter explains how to calculate bonds and present value. In my opinion they should have explained this in chapter 6.


    I just got through the receivables Chapter in Roger…and I must agree WTF? Not only did I BARELY understand the fundamental concepts of factoring and discounting, but then he throws in participating interests, interest-only strips, servicing of assets, and securitization. Who the heck does this kind of stuff in the real world?

    I really want to gloss over this part and just move on and hope it's not tested on the exam. But as I've learned, when percentages are thrown out there when it comes to what's tested, I'm sure the actual meaning of the percentages are what's tested heavily (i.e. there's a 5-15% chance that Gov't Accounting and NFP will be tested heavily when I take FAR next month.

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