NINJA or Gleim Test Prep for FAR?

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  • #185224

    Has anyone used Gleim Test Prep or Ninja MCQ? I currently am reviewng with CPAexcel, and have Wiley Test Bank as a supplement. However, Wiley recently changed to a new format, which I am not a big fan of. I am thinking of getting either the Gleim Test Prep Software or Ninja MCQ in place of Wiley Test Bank for FAR as a supplement. Are either of those products better than Wiley? Here are some things I am looking for:

    1. being able to exclude sessions. i.e. if you absolutely bombed a practice session, you can exclude it from your total percentages

    2. having a progress report. i.e. keeps track of all your questions, and tell you, you got 70% of questions correct on Inventory, 65% correct on Cash and Recievables, etc.

    3. the option to try before you buy

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  • #581194

    NINJA doesn't make you pay extra for the sims.

    It costs a lot less.

    It has Adaptive Learning.



    What is this Adaptive Learning you speak of?


    if you give me your email address and I can show you a screenshot of my progress report from Ninja MCQ

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    NINJA uses Adaptive Learning Technology, so the software learns what you know and what you don't.

    You start in the assessment phase and work questions. Approx 35% of the way in, it switches to adaptive learning and feeds you questions in your weak areas more often until you answer them all correctly.


    I have sent the email and Jeff, I can still post them on imgur if you want me to

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    It's fine – it was just an alternative to email


    @Jeff does the adaptive learning work even if you select “new questions” only?

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! 😀

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently 🙂


    Hi Amay – no, the adaptive learning doesn't work when you do that


    Ok, would I have to select troubled questions? All questions?

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! 😀

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently 🙂


    Trouble questions uses a formula that is based solely on scoring and does not involve weighting. If you are answering a question incorrectly 50% or more of the time, it will fall under the “trouble question” list.

    Drill down by topic does use the adaptive learning, but if someone picks only one or two topics, or the total number of questions from the topic(s) chosen is small (say 5-10 questions) it won’t really get much “bang” from the adaptive learning.

    BTW, I misread your first question. The answer is “yes’ to new questions, but if you choose to see questions from only specific areas the adaptive learning benefit is limited. Sorry about that.


    Thanks Jeff. Good to know. Glad I can take advantage of that feature without having to repeat questions.

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! 😀

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently 🙂

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