How to Study with the Gleim Review Course?

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  • #200444

    I recently purchased the Gleim review program and I was looking at their “system for success”…

    I’m curious to know how you studied with the Gleim program.

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  • #759959

    My approach


    Start with ch1. read 1.1, stop and head over to the testbank and complete 1.1, back to text and do 1.2, repeat. Do this all the way until the end.

    Tips on making the reading easier. Play the audio and read along (it matches the text). You can do the audio-visual presentation if you want, which is the same as the audio, it just aligns a little better than the text.

    Final Review

    You can do performance reviews of your previous tests, and just review those rather than guessing on MCQs again.

    Hit the sim wizard about 2 weeks out if you're a slacker like me, or you can factor this in from the jump.

    I didn't really like the video review, I skipped the T/Fs (Focus questions), and MCQ quizzes. I just use the test bank and sim wizard.

    Oh yeah, if you need condensed studying, like Ninja notes, use the “Summary of Core Concepts” for each chapter. They get you the quick and dirty.

    Have fun!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    Thank you!


    The most important piece of advice I can give is to not stray too far from the Gleim suggested study approach.

    I do the set of 20 MCQ before every section. For a while I stopped doing this because I felt like it was pointless for me to take a quiz on material I hadn't studied. This was a big mistake. Even though I was scoring in the 50s-60s on these initial quizzes, it was still helping with recognition of important topics, etc.

    I don't do SIMs until final review because I think it is best to do those once you feel like you have a good handle on the material.

    My overall strategy is:
    1 Set of 20 MCQ
    3 Sets of 20 MCQ

    Once I finish all sections I take the practice exam. Then I go back section by section and do 50 questions per section in the study mode so that I can see the answers immediately. Then I will do 2-3 sets of around 250 questions in study mode covering a mix of all the material. Lastly, I do all the SIMs.

    So far I am 2 for 2 using this method. I got and 81 on REG and a 83 on BEC. Taking AUD this Monday.

    REG - 81
    BEC - 83
    AUD - 86
    FAR - 78 (Done!)


    Thanks! Will try this. I didn't understand the point of the diagnostic quiz either!



    I will try your method for a couple section to see if I can understand the materials better for REG. I am currently on SU 6 of Reg. So, your calendar will always be not complete since you did not do the sims after the SU, right?

    I am taking REG at last week of May.



    Yeah, you won't have the full score average until after you do the SIMs.

    REG - 81
    BEC - 83
    AUD - 86
    FAR - 78 (Done!)


    @pickanicken By section do you mean chapter or subunit within each chapter?


    yea, system of success is awesome! like they say, “the best part of the Gleim system,” especially So'S 6.7 I discovered today. These “Core Concepts” are “foundational” and are comparable to any other notes im (humble) o –
    I've used Ninja; I've used my other notes. He may be a little dry even in his notes, but they're there, and they're great for review plus and as @mtaylor24 and some of the others suggest daily review in MCQ's from cumulative chapters. A lot of reviews don't review that much. That's a plus for Ninja – that and the AL citations

    CPA Review


    I don't use the Gleim study planner because I don't follow their system exactly so it never says I complete a study unit. I also don't take the initial MC quiz because I found it to be a waste of time, but I know @pickanicken said it seemed helpful to them.

    I alternate watching a video and taking notes on it with reading the corresponding subunit (and underlining/taking notes in the book). The back and forth between videos and reading is extremely helpful to keeping me focused.

    Once I finish the videos and reading I'll do the focus questions and reference the book if I need to. Then I'll do a couple study sessions of 20 MCQ until I feel I have a pretty good grasp. Then I'll do the MC quiz and one set of sims, and do my best not to reference the book.

    Overall I spend quite a bit more time reading and watching videos and taking good notes on it than I do actually practicing because as long as I have a good grasp on the material I know I will do well on questions. But that's just what works for me. I know most people like to get through as many practice questions as possible.

    Basically, it takes some trial and error to figure out what works best for you. Play around with different methods until you find one that's comfortable for you and stick with it.

    Best of luck to you!!


    Someone called me from Gleim today. I think one of my family members put my name in for consultation. I think they are tired and ready to help me pass. Funds are very limited……I guess I'll stick with Ninja.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Thank you @mtaylo and @pick for your insight on how to handle the gleim studying. I just bought the FAR gleim mcq test bank and book. At first I was just working mcq's and then locate the answer in the book but that just got confusing and I'm not really learning anything other than ‘finding a answer'. Going forward, I will try with reading subunit, work mcqs, then do practice exam for that full chapter.

    I do have a question for both of you: Did you take notes at all or just keep to the study method of reading/mcqs/practice tests?

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD

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