Gleim Users: Actual CPA questions vs Editor’s questions

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  • #1552767

    Hi guys,

    For those of you using Gleim review course (I’m using their mega test bank), is there are way to know which questions are actual past CPA exam questions and which were specifically written by Gleim.

    I recall reading a post sometime back where users mentioned pass questions and editors questions.
    I’m trying to figure how to tell the difference that is if its even possible.


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  • #1552807

    I'm pretty sure there's a place either below or above each question that says it's source. I don't have access to my review software anymore but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it there.

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    They axed the source header after too many people on here complained about them (my theory). I e-mailed them back in October and here was their response…

    Thank you for your recent email. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a list of the specific questions released by the AICPA. The questions are available for your review in the Gleim Online and Test Prep database.

    We have found that candidates are best positioned for success if their questions are not identifiable as either a previous exam question or a Gleim published question. This is because previous questions will not necessarily cover every topic on the current exam (as the exam remains non-disclosed), and candidates have previously attempted to study only exam-released questions in their review. As a result, we've found these candidates experience issues with retention, and neglect many testable topics in their studies. Ultimately, it ends up becoming detrimental to their success.

    Therefore, all of our questions are available for your review in the Gleim Online and Test Prep database, but unfortunately there is no way to specifically filter them out or see their original source. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    That sucks… It would have been very useful to know the different type of question.
    Sounds like a typical Gleim answer. I bought the test bank and found out that I could only do a simulation 3 times and after that, you can no longer view that simulation.

    I called and asked and there answer was that it was to prevent people from memorizing the question. So what if I want to practice a question more than 3 times… uhhhhhh.

    Anyway, @mtaloy24 thanks for providing that.

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