Gleim CPA Simulations (AUD)

  • Creator
  • #172783

    Hey all,

    So I just completed my first AUD SIM in the Gleim online system. I was wondering if anyone who used these thought their level of difficulty was comparable to the exam. Only got a 69% on the first one, which makes me a little worried.

    Five days until the exam, and I’m kind of worried about being prepared enough. For all the study sessions that I’ve done in Gleim so far I have an 80% average.

    What do you guys think?


    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • Author
  • #357606

    Gleim's SIMs are definitely easier than the test, but I think if you work through all of them and can keep your average around 70%, you should be fine.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012

    mena je twa

    You can't copmpare the exam simulations with any of the cpa reviews. They are completely different, i mean structure wise. Content will be the same, but the way they will put it will be completely different. As long as you know your stuff you will be ok.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012

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