Gleim for REG simulations ?

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  • #1396572

    Gleim Question –

    I scored a 68 on REG studying only 5 weeks. Got comparable on MCQ and weaker on SIMs. Should I dish out the $250 bucks for just the SIM test bank ? I’m currently using NINJA and Becker.

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  • #1396580

    I personally found the Becker sims to be better than the Gleim sims but the Gleim sims are still really solid. Their test bank is really good but for some reason the Becker ones seemed to help me more..


    I use Gleim.. I did all the simulations for REG.

    was still weaker in sims.. so no, while they are definitely quality, they did not help for the simulations that I got on the test.


    I also got a 68 and was stronger on mcq's and weaker on sims. I didn't have enough time to study and only practiced around 30 sims between Ninja and Roger and none of them were even close to what was on the exam.

    I bought Gleim's test bank when they were having a Cyber Monday sale and I like it so far. The sims are much harder and the AL is almost identical to the one on the exam. Their mcq's are no joke and it can get frustrating because a lot of them are very detailed and ask you about specific things you probably don't need to know. I don't even waste time trying to figure some of them out because I feel it would just confuse me even more.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I only used Gleim sims on REG because they were required for my MBA class. And even then they were open book, the Gleim ones IMO were a lot harder than what I saw on the exam, then I never used them again when prepping for the exam. Personally, I do not like Gleim at all, it is unnecessarily difficult and crushed my confidence. But on the other hand, if you know Gleim through and through, the real exam will be a cakewalk.

    For all sims, I only studied them on my third try on audit, and that was to only help me understand some concepts more, and it did. I'd say just learn the concepts however you can, if that is from sims, mcq, lectures, book, whatever, do that. But studying sims will not help you with sims on the real exam, the likelihood of you getting a sim that you have studied for are relatively low.


    The SIMS I got on my test were terrible. Even the research question took me a good 15-20 minutes to find and I still wasn't confident I got it right. Surprisingly I though the DRS sim was probably the easiest out of the 6. @RE2PECT do you find the Gleim SIMS to be even close to what you got on test day ?


    @mitch I noted your score in AUD ,can you please share what you did differently third time that bumped your score from 72 to 90?


    @CPAWarrior- As far as difficulty is concerned, then I would say Gleim's are just as hard. It's rare that you get a sim that is similar to one that you practiced, but I did have one like that for FAR.

    The thing I hate about sims is that they can be very vague about how they want you to answer them. I had a couple on my REG exam where I knew the topic well, but had no idea how to answer it. At least from practicing a bunch of sims, you can pick up on the little nuances that can trip you up. Having a similar AL to use has also helped me to search for things a little quicker and hopefully that will help me for the research question.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    How do you practice research one you have your NTS?

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD


    I used to think getting a Sim similar to what you practice was unlikely but it happened twice to me only in REG.. Both times I took REG there was an almost identical sim from Gleim's text bank and guess what… they were the ones I only glimpse over … Going into my 3rd & hopefully final rodeo.. I'm not leaving anything to chance!

    FAR - 2/16 - 78
    BEC - 2/16 - 78
    AUD - 8/16
    REG - 8/16


    I just purchased the Gleim Mega test bank, so far the GLeim MCQ is killing my confidence! feel like these questions are way harder than NINJAs!

    FAR 4/16 80
    AUD 7/16 80 half way there!!
    BEC 9/16

    RogerCPA/CRAM & NINJA Audio/MCQ


    @SandraD- That's because they are way harder! I've done about 1400 questions and I'm only averaging 67. I was averaging 72 on Ninja after 3000 attempts. It's definitely a confidence killer in the beginning, but hopefully it will help us get over the hump and be done forever!

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Gleim is offering access to their pre-exam-change test banks for $99/section (“Red Zone special”) until March 10th. Is it worth $200 to double up their mcqs and SIMs with my existing Ninja MCQ subscriptions? I am primarily concerned with adequate SIM preparation for both REG and FAR.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    @Nath, I am not sure exactly what it was that pushed me over. I did two things. During the studying for that exam I was also going through my FAR lectures, that helped me tie some things together. And this was the only try of all of mine that I did not use Ninja MCQ. A friend gave me the pdf of Becker questions. I went through them and made detailed notes from all of the MCQ and SIMS that I didn't understand 100% (only time I really studied SIMS for the entire thing). I read about a quarter of those notes in the parking lot of Prometric, and I am so happy I did, I had two SIMS that I benefitted GREATLY from that, they were not exact or anything, but that refresher in the car before was what I needed.

    Also, I believe that I got easier questions, or maybe I just knew questions that I didn't know before. So there could have been some luck involved.

    I can't say exactly what it was that really gave me that jump. I don't know if it was having a little bit of FAR knowledge, the detailed notes, or just using the Becker instead of Ninja. I really don't know what it was that got me over that hump.


    @mecrushya thanks for mentioning that deal. I'm about to buy it and hopefully it gives me the 7 extra points I need to pass.


    Seems like a good deal if you're taking it next qtr.

    @mecrushya- Are you taking REG & FAR next window? It says you only have access to them until March 10th.

    @CPAWarrior- I'm hoping it will get both of us over the hump! Be ready for a rude awakening when you start hitting mcq's lol.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29

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