Gleim for REG and BEC

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  • #1530829

    I’m trying to make an important decision here…I’m taking AUD in the next month or so.
    I’ve used Roger for it, and for FAR. But for some reason I don’t feel I’ve learned all that much more from Roger…most of it, I did in school, and it was just a review. Although, I most definitely needed it because I’d forgotten a lot of it. So, for that reason, it was good.

    But, I’m debating using Gleim for BEC and REG. The reason is because I don’t think Roger’s textbooks/vids are complete enough on those topics, especially BEC. I know almost nothing about the stuff in BEC. The last economics class I took was eons ago (late 1990s during undergrad years) and although I did take a class in cost accounting and another in accounting information systems, I think a lot of it is going to be new material for me. REG – I took b-law 4-5 years ago now and ditto for taxation.

    I know how challenging Gleim is. I know Mr. Gleim (and his fellow coauthors on some of the texts) has a very different style than the other vendors. But, I’m trying to figure out if it would be a good move to use Gleim for these last two sections. I just don’t want to get thru BEC and REG and not be prepared. It seems like Gleim really REALLY prepares people for these exams, something I did not know earlier before buying Roger. Luckily, I already have all 4 Gleim books from 2015. I don’t guess that they’ve changed much since then.

    Any input from Gleim users would be helpful as I try to figure out my course of action. Thanks.

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  • #1530916

    Gleim will kick your ass, but you will walk into that exam knowing your shit. I am currently studying for REG in May and after that will do BEC in August. I used Gleim for my 2nd attempt at FAR and raised my score 24 points. I then used it for AUD and scored an 84. So even though Gleim's book is sometimes wordy and confusing, and the MCQs can be very detailed, you will be prepared.

    I supplement Gleim with the NINJA test bank and PLUS videos and when Gleim gets too confusing I go to the NINJA stuff, which usually helps me understand.

    Gleim has changed their software and now to go through a module you must do at least three MCQ quizzes, and if your average is high enough after that you will do two rounds of SIMs. If your score is high enough after those it will tell you you're finished.

    I like to go through the MCQ test bank after reading or watching the video for each section. It's good practice, and drilling those MCQs over and over definitely contributed to me passing. If you can score in the high 60's to mid 70's in Gleim then you should be fine for the exam. I scored 4 points higher on the exam for FAR and AUD than I did on the Gleim practice tests.

    Hope this helps.

    AUD-72(8 '14); 68(11 '14)


    Agree with everything AScott89 said. I passed two sections in 8 weeks last quarter with Gleim alone. And the practice tests were a lot harder than the real thing. I have to say, though, I don't like how the new software is more strict about being ready to move on. I've had to force complete a module or two and go back later until I reached the “you're ready to move on” threshold Gleim enforces. Sometimes one can not take one more f-ing farm income MCQ.:)


    Cmcook I hate it too. I got behind in my study module because of it. Having to do five MCQ quizzes in a row is so damn annoying. Especially when you are sick of the topic and just wanna be done already. Good luck on REG. I take it two weeks after you do. Let's hope we get that 75 so we can move on to the next one.

    AUD-72(8 '14); 68(11 '14)


    You are saying that using Gleim will break it down and make sure you know your shit inside and out?


    @Ascott89 – thanks for sharing. I'm glad you found something that is working for you. Were you using any other review programs when you received your earlier scores? Here is the thing – I did look at Gleim's textbooks last year. They looked very old fashioned and I was thinking that whoever wrote them must have done it about 25 years ago and never updated them.
    But, then I read a few of the individual chapters in the FAR book and they were really good, much clearer than Roger's, which I had since bought. I'll probably end up going for Ninja at some point down the road if I need to. So right now my plan is to use the Gleim REG book and see if it works. I'll have to use Roger's videos and MCQ because I already have them obviously.
    Let's hope I can make this work!!!

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