Getting started with FAR and Gleim but thinking I need Ninja notes and MCQ’s?

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  • #195691

    Hello fellow CPA exam takers,

    I’m on a mission to pass the CPA Exam. I’m on Study Unit 3 with Gleim and I have a couple concerns with the learning process Gleim has you go through:

    1). Why start with 20 multiple choice questions I know I’ll do bad on?! I’ve been out of school a long time, so its kind of pointless.

    2). What is the value of asking True/False questions as another step in their learning process?

    3). Their outlines are crazy detailed for sure.

    So… if you were me, should I supplement Gleim videos with Ninja notes and MCQ’s? Gleim does have good MCQ’s I feel.

    Thanks for any advice! 🙂


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