FAR Simulations – Gleim Test Bank/AICPA Blueprint

  • Creator
  • #2245494

    Hey everyone. I just scheduled my FAR exam for Q2. I think I have a decent grip on Becker MC, but I wanted to purchase a good course for SIMS. I was wondering if anyone had opinions on the Gleim CPA Review Test bank for simulations paired with the AICPA blueprints as a guide. I also have the Ninja CPA Review which I use for MC.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Author
  • #2245851
    Jimmy Dugan

    Becker has a boatload of sims, so I would use those before investing additional cash in another test bank or review course. I think Gleim has more sims than anyone else, but there is enough to keep you busy in Becker for a long time. What has helped me more than anything on sims is utilizing the Becker videos that have an instructor work through each sim in their test bank.


    Thank you! I am not feeling to confident about my abilities with Becker SIMS right now so I am hoping the videos will help. Did you feel that the videos helped your thought process during the actual exam?

    Jimmy Dugan

    Yes. Those skillmaster videos and the skillbuilder exercises in each section helped me.

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