Do the Gleim CPA Test Prep Software have any significant changes each year?

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  • #164298

    When I tried updating my Gleim software today, it told me that my software is an old version and can’t update anymore. So, it recommended that I buy the 2012 version. Since I still need to pass REG, I was wondering if I should spend the money on the 2012 software. But if 90% or more of the questions are the exact same as the ones on the previous version, then it’s obviously a waste of money to get it.

    So, does Gleim make any significant changes to their Test Prep Software? Is it work the extra $80 to get a new book and software? (They don’t sell the software by itself anymore)


    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #314154

    @CPAMan – My thought is even if there are only minor changes, why not spring for the $80 and get yourself the updated materials? Its only $80. You of all people should understand how important that one extra point is. Give yourself the best chance possible.


    I've already spent $100 on their Simulation Wizard. it hurts to spend another $80. But since the AICPA is only give me one more year to pass this, then I cannot afford to screw it up even if my books are only slightly outdated. I think I'll go for it. If I make it next year, then this $80 will be the last I'll ever have to spend on CPA Review materials.


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