Should I practice Becker’s FAR SIM or Gliem SIM?

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  • #1554049

    Hi FAR Ninjas
    Many of you have mentioned that actual SIMs are noway near to Becker’s or Ninja SIMs then should one practice Becker’s SIM ? I mean if it is not similar to exam why should I waste my time ?
    Some of you have seen Gliem SIMs and want to hear from you too.
    Your input is appreciated.I am done with MCQ and Becker’s review (sans SIMs) and currently focusing on SIM.

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  • Author
  • #1554057

    I've used 3 sources of sims – Becker, Ninja and another which I won't name due to irrelevance.

    None of them are exactly like what you get in the exam. The benefit of the sims is not really knowing exactly how to solve each sim but to get an idea of the kinds of sims you will get on the exam. In that regard, both Becker and Ninja are very acceptable.

    First 2 exams which I passed successfully – I only went through a few of the sims to get a sense of the type of questions and how much effort to complete.

    I have no experience with Gleim.


    Got it.Thank you.

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