Yeager or Becker for a Newbie?

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  • #1739532

    So my decision comes down to either Yeager ($300) or Becker ($$$$$$$$$$)….

    As someone who graduated with an accounting degree several years ago but never used it, does anyone have any experience/opinion/suggestions?

    Becker has quite the reputation; I feel like Becker is perfect for someone like me, based on opinions I’ve heard and read, but I’m curious if Yeager could work too, especially considering the price difference.

    I feel like I’ll be learning/relearning a lot of this material, so I want to know if Yeager will be enough for someone who only remembers basic accounting equation and debiting and crediting rules? Or should I just not take the risk and use Becker?

    Has anyone been in the same boat as me? How was your experience, especially with Yeager?

    Thank you very much!

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  • Author
  • #1739537

    @Biofeld ,my suggestion would be

    FAR – Roger and supplement with Ninja plus Video
    Aud – MDS and Lambers Audit video only
    BEC – Yeager
    Reg – Roger and Ninja Mcq

    if you have graduated several years ago then Becker course wont benefit you.


    Why are you only debating between those two? I am using Gleim for FAR. It's very detailed, a lot of information, etc. Perhaps might be good for you since you are ‘out of touch'


    I believe I am a great candidate to answer this as I have passed BEC, REG, & AUD with Yaeger book/lectures supplemented with NINJA MCQ, Notes & Audio. Also a few years removed from college.

    Used Yaeger with my first FAR attempt but was unsuccessful. With my back against the wall due to the 18 month window I decided to drop $$$ and go with Becker for FAR. I will find out my score with the upcoming release. I am pretty confident with this last attempt.

    Yaeger was good for the most part. I thought their technologies were lacking. The videos would constantly freeze or the instructor would make obvious errors in the lecture which would not be edited out or a take that should have been removed was not. I think they rushed to release the lectures that aligned with the blue prints and their new book.

    I believe they have new instructors and are a year later in regard to the blueprints so maybe it has improved. I could not take some of the instructors quirks either. You could not speed up the lectures if you wanted either when I used them. They sent out an email recently saying you could now speed up the lectures.

    Hey in the end it got me through 3/4 sections paired with the NINJA materials.

    Becker was expensive but their technologies were great. The instructors great as well.


    Thank you all for the replies and suggestions!

    Fk, how wouldn't Becker course benefit me? I've been told that it's thorough and perfect to study with, regardless of accounting knowledge\experience….. I just want to see if the other cheaper programs are as a thorough. Is there a reason Becker wouldn't help me?

    Thank you all again!


    Becker is the best CPA exam preparation course in the market. Becker will help you to achieve your goal as long as you follow their guidelines and you have discipline to re-review their material to the mastery level. I re-reviewed each their course at least three times per chapter until I mastered the subjects completely. The price is horrendous but it is worth every penny. They certainly are very beneficial for someone who has been out from college for a few years. I wish the best looking luck for you. I definitely recommend Becker. I was fortunate to be able to afford it with a sponsorship. Get Becker if you are able to afford them. I only used Becker and was able to pass all subjects.


    @Biofeld the instructors of Becker just read the book and will say mark it , yellow it, with little or no explanation of the subject matter. the lectures are boring and waste of time . i don't deny the fact that Becker software is good. To compensate that i have ask you to go for the supplement course.

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