Wiley vs Becker CPA

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  • #169922

    I have been studying BEC using the Becker CPA software and got the Wiley CPA test bank. I wanted to know, Has anyone used Becker and felt some Wiley topics weren’t mentioned in Becker? which made you switch to Wiley or other sources. plz share your experience. I will be taking BEC in next few weeks.

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  • #355379

    I only used Becker for BEC and studied for 3.5 weeks and passed. I did all of the lectures, hw, final exams, and plenty of progress tests. To be honest, there were no real surprises on the exam that Becker didn't prepare me for. I know most people probably will tell you a different story but I felt like Becker was more than enough to pass. The Becker problems were much harder and complex which made the exam calculation problems a breeze.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    cool thanks guys…I have done all becker problems over & over. As soon as I started the Final exam review, most of the problems were same, I ended up with 90s in it. which I thought was overstated. I havent taken any section of the exams yet. you guys think I am ready for it. literally I have all those problems in my head. even though I might not know the concepts (stupid cost acct)


    I supplemented Wiley testbank with Becker for REG. I haven't taken BEC, so can't comment on that. Though, Becker is enough, I felt supplementing with Wiley testbank was very beneficial. Wiley covered some topics that Becker didn't touch on, and it felt good to know those…just in case it showed up on the exam. Since you already have Wiley, it can't hurt to go over questions from it…spend couple days on it, don't worry about the score, but rather focus on what you can learn!

    Good Luck!


    Supplemented the Becker stuff with Wiley, I know for a fact there were at least 3 or 4 questions on my exam that I knew from Wiley and not from Becker


    @macguy6922 – I always thought the same about test retakes with another review course. OF COURSE you will have a higher chance of passing, EVEN if you didnt change your CPA review. Its just plain logic, you already have studied for the material before and now everything is familiar already. My 2 cents: If you changed review courses after failing an exam and passed, was most likely due to the above statement and not because of the CPA provider.

    Side note: I used Becker for all my parts but I complemented Becker with the Wiley Book for REG, as I was very scared of REG (did not take any federal tax class in college)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85

    See Pee A

    The Becker method will work if you follow it. I, personally, didn't do everything and still passed. Of course, I was in my last semester of school so a good number of topics I was already somewhat familiar, so I suppose your starting point makes a difference. Wiley and other courses may work as well, but I knew more people who used Becker and most tended to do well (of course at my school the first time pass rate is 78%–UGA–so take what I say for what it's worth).

    To me, Becker seemed to do a decent job on most topics. A few it wasn't so good with, but I think overall it did fine.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    So, Mac…you're going to pass FAR this next time strictly because you took it twice?


    lol Jeff, is not actually the act of taking it twice but the process around it. That mostly involves studying for the material twice (if the candidate studied the same amount the second time).

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Some CPA review programs just don't work for some people. After switching to another course (or product with masked people weilding swords) where the material is presented differently … It clicks.


    @Jeff – Yes, that's also correct. I watched Roger's demo for BEC for OH Variances and thought he was awesome (I actually used his mnemonic instead of Becker's). I also used the Ninja notes for AUD, BEC and REG. ; )

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I've used the Wiley Test Bank and Becker and honestly they are about 90-95% the same. I've see questions on Wiley that weren't covered in Becker and vice versa. I've seen a ton of questions from both that I have never been asked on the exam even though I sat for one 3 different times…

    I feel like Wiley covers more items that have slim to no chance of being asked on the exam…

    I feel like Becker drills down too deep on some concepts and teaches you more than you really need to know…

    Regardless, either one of them alone is sufficient to pass the exam if you learn the material inside and out.


    After doing this for many years and talking to hundreds of thousands of candidates via the forum, email, and phone, I am convinced that people fail (generally speaking) because:

    1. They didn't put in the time


    2. Their course – no matter how expensive – doesn't match their learning style

    There is no “use company X and you'll pass… Unless you're lazy”.

    If painting your book with pretty fluorescent colors doesn't help you to learn the material – use a course that is easy to take notes with.


    Passed BEC and AUD with Becker while supplementing Wiley.

    Although Becker does a good overall job of preparing you, an extra test bank can give you the confidence that you really know your stuff. It helps as a reality check because sometimes people just start memorizing the MCQs.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    I passed AUD with just Becker. I passed BEC with Becker and Ninja Notes. I think I am on my way to passing REG with Becker, Wiley and Ninja Notes. I think the REG combo is a lethal one. I am going to karate chop that test! At this point you just gotta make sure you studied enough. After taking ever section and failing a couple, multiple times I realized that Becker alone isn't enough for me. I may be slow or what ever but I will pay an extra 130 bucks in study material for 1 test if that means I don't have to study for the dang thing again! I know I sound like a broken record but buy the Ninja Notes. You will be so thankful to have them to study with.


    coool thanks for y'all feedback. I havent taken any part of CPA yet. This would be my first try. I know, I am not good at taking exams, maybe because I dont read full detail in the question. 90% for Wiley is same as becker. but there are few key terms that are mention WILEY only. so I am just ignoring those, and focusing on same topics in both, and doing questions to get experience, if asked differently.

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