When is BECKER updating BEC modules to reflect changes??

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  • #1788625

    Does anyone know a specific date on when the Becker lectures and MCQ for ch.1 modules 1 and 2 are going to be updated???? I’m testing June 8 and I don’t have time to try and figure out what MCQs are outdated or what textbook pages are outdated… Someone please help!

    Becker Updates

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  • #1788651

    I don't know the date that the course is updating, but you can use the link below to access the BEC changes.


    Click on the business course updates. Becker is providing the replacement book pages and questions.

    The Becker website says the new textbook is for tests scheduled after 5/31/2018, but I really hope they release a paper one before then.


    I emailed academic support yesterday. The Becker representative said the ERM module (B1-M2) will be updated this week, probably Thursday.

    I'm taking BEC on 6/4! Good luck!!


    Thank you so much for the info. Fingers crossed that B1M2 is updated this week. Good luck to you too friend!


    What @CPAoneday said. The customer rep. told me the same thing. It's kind of annoying not being able to do progress tests because of just one module that's not being updated.


    They just did the update like a couple of hours ago along with other changes as well, new questions in the Mock exam and an additional third mock exam


    For B1 on the top of the software, it states, “If your exam is scheduled on or after Jun 11, 2018, you should switch to V3.1” but the new COSO ERM has already been testable since April, so which one are we supposed to be using?


    I think 3.1 for B1 and 2 since the material is already testable.


    *In other words, I don't understand why we still have to use the old version (V3.0) if we are taking the exam before June 11, 2018 because they said the new ERM is testable on April.. this doesn't make any sense..does this mean that the new ERM is not actually testable before June? I called the customer rep. regarding this a few mins ago, and obviously, the person had no idea.


    I just looked at their “Update”, that is some extensive ERM update, and new mnemonics.


    @kahloon – why would they have the old version out there then?


    @big4, No clue. I just assumed it was like all of their other updates, where they release the new version and keep the old one around for a while. They did this with AUD too. Made studying really confusing since their old version was taken off right after I finished the lesson.


    @kahloon – yeah, I remember having to print the updated pages for AUD, which was pain in the butt, but I'm scheduled to take BEC on 6/8, which is before “6/11”, which means I should use the old version (V3.0) like the software recommends, but the new ERM has been testable since last month so…you see where my dilemma is?



    I checked with Becker and they chalk it up to an error.

    Case #01782637
    To view your original question and our response, please SIGN IN to your account.

    Subject: BEC 3.1 update

    There was an error when the heading message was posted. An alert is being added to the bell icon within in the hour indicating that the new ERM material became testable 4/1/2018.

    Please use v3.1.

    I hope this response helped you, but if you need additional help on this problem, please log back into the case and submit an update. You can do this by clicking on the link above, then sign in in the upper right corner of the page you’re taken to and after signing in, go to the CPA resources tab and at the bottom right click on “Customer & Academic Support” and select “Cases” along the top of the page. Updating your case will bring it to the top of my list so that I may answer it more quickly. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance and best wishes on studying for your exam!

    Thank you,
    Debbie Clough
    Manager, Academic Support
    Becker Professional Education


    @kahloon – what error message is she referring to? So disregard the old version (V3.0) even if we are scheduled to take the exam before 6/11?



    I think she's referring to either the pop up message I got today informing me of the changes or the message when you click that bell while in Becker that tells of updates to the course.

    But yes, disregard 3.0 and use 3.1 for your exam.

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