Watch Becker lecture videos more than once?

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  • #171903

    Becker Question –

    Does anyone watch these more than once? For BEC and AUD I did not, but as Im starting with FAR I am wondering if that would be a good idea or a waste of time? Seems like with FAR I am trying to keep up with underlining and what not and dont really hear what he is saying. But then again this section has 10 3 to 4 hour lectures… haha crapola.

    Created with Compare Ninja

    Form is temporary, class is permanent.

    Audit 4/19/12 - 77
    BEC 5/31/12 - 75
    FAR 8/30/12

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  • #347814

    I think it really depends on the way that you study. For me, watching video lectures is just such a drag because everything is basically read from the text book and I would rather spend more time focusing on the parts that I didn't understand as well from the book before I dive into MCQs. I'm onto BEC and I'm watching the lectures which is dreadful, but the MCQs are what really help me get the concepts.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.


    I do if I have the time. Especially when I've set a goal of “_____ study hours” this week/this day and I'm getting burnt out doing problems/taking notes and I just want to do some passive learning for a couple hours. I pop on a lecture. As long as you don't entirely zone out, SOMETHING is getting in your head. (It may or may not have crossed my mind to put on headphones and listen to lectures while I sleep…) I like to put them on while I'm getting ready in the morning, cooking, etc anytime that I would normally just have the TV droning on and not be watching it. Let Tim drone on 😉

    And I kid you not, there's one part in the REG lecture where Tim says something like “I know it sounds stupid, but on the day of the exam you may hear my voice saying this…” and the following rule was ON my test, and I was ABOUT to answer incorrectly until I literally heard Tim's voice, and it was a lecture I had watched more than once. Just saying!


    I thought Becker was a bit too much reading from the book for my taste- I ended up not using Becker at all (good thing I didn't pay for it- hahahhaah) and am using Roger instead. I get a lot out of the videos and watch them pretty much ALL the time. Roger is a little more annoying than the dudes on Becker, but he's good about explaining things and hes not so terrible that I want to shoot him in the face. If you can stand Becker I would watch them a few times as well. I find that I pick up much more listening than I do reading the books.


    I don't usually watch the lectures more than once. Instead, I re-read the book and re-work the MCQs/SIMs.


    Waste of time. Practice practice practice! Time spent on MCQ is far not more important to seeing if you actually

    understood what the book/lecture said.

    Good Luck!

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    I would focus on the MCQ as well. If there is a particular area (or even a particular question) that you are struggling with, you can click the lecture button within the MCQ section in Becker to bring up the lecture on that topic. It will save you tons of time rather than just re-watching the lectures as a whole, plus you can focus on the areas where your MCQ and/or Sims are weakest. Above all though, don't re-watch the entire thing.


    I would say it depends on how you learn best. I'm not a Becker student, but found it very helpful to watch lectures a second time after doing MCQ's. The first time I watched them I wasn't really getting it b/c I hadn't tried any of the questions yet. But after doing questions, the lectures made more sense and I learned more from them. But I also learn best by listening and watching someone else work problems.


    @apbandj – exactly what I was going to say about the way a person learns best. Depends on whether you are more of an auditory learner or visual or kinesthetic. For me (very visual and not at all auditory) I find it helpful to go through the lecture once while I am reading through the book, but after that I must take notes (must be kinesthetic also). The writing of the notes and doing MCQ's are what solidifies the material for me. Listening a second time to the whole thing would be a waste of time for me. I have read others who say writing the notes was a waste of time for them and listening to the lecture a second time helped the most. So it depends on the person.

    FAR - 92 (4/27/12)
    AUD - 96 (7/17/12)
    BEC - 92 (8/30/12)
    REG - 91 (11/12/12)


    Wow so many responses!! Thanks guys. I think I might do the headphones at night thing. I listen too music while I sleep (cant sleep in silence at all, weird I know!), and sometimes ill wake up with a song in my head!! haha experiment tonite! Will listen to F1 while sleeping!! (GOOD GOD my life is mundane right hahahahaha)

    Form is temporary, class is permanent.

    Audit 4/19/12 - 77
    BEC 5/31/12 - 75
    FAR 8/30/12

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