Using Becker CPA, should I supplement with Wiley CPA?

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    I have Becker 2009, including DVDs, CD MCQs and Sims, books, and flash cards. I thought of investing the massive $35/book for FAR and AUD to get a different slant on the training than what Becker gives. Becker’s books tend to mirror the lectures, while the Wiley books (I took a peek at Barnes and Noble) look a bit more technical. Any suggestions? Am I wasting my money (especially since I have to pay more of it to retake tests)?

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)

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  • #209519

    I'm just using Wiley! I passed AUD by studying very little. I just looked at the answers to the MCQs at the same time.

    Using Wiley for REG, FAR and BEC…..All I will be doing is looking at answers and MCQs at the same time. Then, I'll read the book if I don't understand something. I budget myself $120 for review course…lol


    Oh, I bought the 4 books (2009: AUD,REG,FAR and AUD) on Craigslist for $120.

    I bought the book from a super brainiac guy that passed all 4 parts in the mid 90s just using Wiley.

    He told me not to waste my time with a review course and just look at the answers and questions at the same time…

    That's what I'm doing too!

    Good luck…


    I used Becker for my 1st 3 exams, but I splurged and bought the Wiley review book for FAR. It offers more practice simulations and questions than Becker, so I thought it was a good investment. The questions offer a better variety of topics and a level of difficulty that I think is closer to the real CPA exam, so I recommend it. Too bad there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the world to prepare for FAR!!!


    Most prominent CPA review books/software get their questions from the same place: the AICPA. So, there is a lot of overlap from course to course.

    If you're going to spend $$…your best bang for your buck is the Yaeger Cram + Wiley book to supplement your current materials.


    Glutenator – I agree with Jeff. If you are planning to spend extra $ go for Wiley plus Yeager Cram. After I got 72 using Becker, I supplement my Becker review with Yeager Cram and it worked.

    As a final review, I watched the cram lecture once just before my exam and I worked on every 3rd or 4th question recommended and on the topic I was struggled with. On the top of that, I read the cram notes a couple of times.

    From my experience, for FAR if you already have the basis the money you spend on Yeager cram + Wiley book worth every penny.


    Cpaexcel just unleashed version 6.0 and I am impressed and presently surprised; I had grown bored of their stuff but they did it they made it cool again; if I have to retake I am happy to have a new update to work with; Wiley and Yaeger are both awesome to


    Most of the questions in the Wiley book are the same as the Becker questions for FAR. I have both. Wiley just changes the years in the homework problems to 2009 or 2008 to update it, Becker keeps the years as 94,95,etc. I did both for my test last Sat and about 85% of the questions were the same.


    In my opinion, Becker materials are sufficient, if used properly. If you watch all lectures, complete the homework, complete all sims, and take the Final Exam, you should be well-equipped for any exam.

    Becker was my only source of study material, and I have passed both FAR and BEC, comfortably. I feel very confident with my AUD exam, and not so bad about my outstanding REG score.

    That is just my two cents…. GL!

    BEC 8/27/2009 - 87 REG 11/9/2009 - 84
    FAR 10/5/2009 - 87 AUD 11/23/2009 - 85

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