Using Becker materials for AUD newbie?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #157396

    I am a newbie! I am going through Becker for the 1st time for auditing. Is it normal to not do so well on the homework questions or supplemental questions the 1st time around? meaning you score around 70-75% on the questions. It just gets deflating when the homework tells you to watch the lecture over again and redo the homework. What’s the best way to really study for AUD using the Becker materials? thanks

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  • #218302

    70-75 is good for the first time around haha. I used to get 50s or so. You get better as you go back and learn the material that caused you to miss questions


    If you are getting 70-75% first time, you will get above 80's in actual exam. When I did my homework questions first time, I scored between 50-60%. In addition, make sure you do those multiple choice at least three times before you sit for the exam. I did all of them twice and 1 week before my exam, I did about 30 simulated exams (3000 questions in total). Also, I did the simulation at least 2 times and you will never believe that when I took the test I felt that I had seen everything in becker.

    BEC - 82 Reg-87 Aud - 86 Far - 81 (THANX THE LORD)
    (Dr CPA (Asset)
    Cr Life) 😉 (revenue)


    It sounds like you are doing good so far. Don't just do the questions one time though. Also be sure to do the supplemental questions. They are harder and a bit trickier. It is good to look at questions from a different perspective and the supplementals help with that.

    When looking at the questions, don't just go for the right answer. Try to identify what topic is being tested and why the wrong answers are wrong. This will help make sure you are learning the concepts rather than just the specific questions.

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