Took Becker practice final exam… Anyone know how to determine the grades?

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  • #161304

    I have been studying for audit and I recently took the Becker final exam to practice. It gave me the scores for each testlet with the % correct… I was wondering if there was a way to determine if I came close to the overall 75 that is required? How would I figure this out? And I’m sorry if this is a really obvious answer, but I am burnt out! Thanks

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  • #292825

    The Becker simulated exams are usually much harder than the actual exams. When I took the Becker live classes in NYC while I was living there the instructors told us that if we were scoring in the upper 60% not to get worried since they typically are more difficult. If you're scoring about that I would assume you're well prepared. However, that being said, I've seen posts on here where people have scored in the 40s & 50s on those simulated exams and passed the actual exam, you never know! One piece of advice I will give is don't let the results destroy your confidence. When do you sit for Audit? Good luck!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Nobody knows how they grade the exam. Oh sure they tell you how each question is weighted, some questions are thrown out, blah blah. But they don't SHOW you how they grade the exams. It's all a big mystery. They tell us our grades and have ZERO accountability. I mean, how do you really know if you failed or passed? It's insane! I have never been a part of an exam where you have no idea how you got the score you received.

    Aud 4/2/11 - 86
    Far 5/27/11 - 83
    Bec 7/1/11 - 82
    Reg 8/13/11 - 86! It's over!!!!


    My Becker teacher said he is convinced how well you do on the MCQs determines the sims even though AICPA explicitly states that they are unrelated. He said everybody in his class received the same SIM (at least one) after they all did relatively well on the MCQs. He also didn't finish REG or FAR and received a 94 on both.

    Good luck on the exam…nobody knows how this thing is actually graded.


    So ur saying upper 60's as practice Becker exam would be ok? I got a 70 yesterday and I was sad, moved my exam a week later.


    My Personal Experience

    Becker Scores (Roughly, can't remember exactly)

    AUD – 80%

    FAR – 65%

    REG – 70%

    BEC – 75%

    Real Scores

    See Signature

    FAR: 84
    AUD: 95
    REG: 78
    BEC: 88
    ETHICS: 100


    @ mnCPAwannabe when you say you were scored a 65 on the final in becker for FAR is that with the sims or without??

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"

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