Thoughts on Becker flash cards?

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  • #161289

    Are the Becker flash cards a good investment? I’m starting to think perhaps the time-consuming note writing process is going to work against me. It was fine for FAR when I had the days and nights at my leisure and wasn’t working, but Monday begins my full-time position and I don’t think I will be as successful with my more-limited time.

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92

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  • Author
  • #292683

    I posted semi-recently about how I was impressed with Becker's flashcards. That being said, I don't know that using the flashcards would be more beneficial than taking notes… I guess it all depends on what works for YOU. For me, I remember things better/longer if I actually write them, vs reading them 20 times. Also, BEC is the first time I actually looked at the flashcards that I purchased (I purchased them for all four sections). I guess it all comes down to how you learn the best.


    They were great for AUD, other than that they are ok. Good to have though especially for ancillary sections you dont want to read

    B - 85 (5/31/11)
    A - 93 (7/1/11)
    R - 87 (7/29/11)
    F - 77 (8/31/11)


    I bought the flashcards for all the sections ….currently studying for FAR and I probably went thru 1/4 of the cards. For me i think they were waste of money, i dont have the time to go thru them. If the flashcard app was a little cheaper i would have purchased that. Maybe i'll use the ones for the other sections when the time comes for those.

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