supplementing Beckers material with Wiley?

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  • #172144

    For which sections of the CPA exam is Becker’s material insufficient and needs to be supplemented with Wiley?

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  • #353765

    I thought it was all sections?

    That's the impression I've received from reading so many posts here.

    I can't speak from experience. I haven't taken my first test yet.

    But, I have both Becker and Wiley test bank.

    FAR - 86 - 2/27/14
    AUD - 75 - 5/29/14
    BEC - 80 - 8/31/14
    REG - 89 - 2/27/15
    Praise Jesus! I'm done!!

    Study resources:
    Wiley test bank


    If you want a different look at the concepts and want AICPA licensed questions – use for all 4 (supporting this site is an added bonus 🙂


    For me Becker's been completely sufficient for AUD and FAR. Working with it exclusively for REG as well, we'll see how that goes come July 2.

    FAR 93
    AUD 89
    REG 81
    BEC 87
    Ethics 100

    Becker 2012 Self-Study

    Mrs 300

    I didn't feel the need to supplement Becker until I took FAR for the second time. And the only reason I chose to supplement was because I started memorizing the answers to the questions in Becker. Plus, after I failed with a 65, I thought I needed a change.

    Personally, I think you can pass only using Becker. Becker hits key areas hard – the areas that have the highest probability of showing up on the test. For REG, BEC and AUD, I did feel that I knew everything in the book and I squeaked by with passing scores, but that's not because the Becker materials were insufficient. Just my $0.02…..

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂

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