Studying For FAR – Is Becker Enough or Should I Supplement ???

  • Creator
  • #168835

    Hey people,

    I’ve never posted before so have mercy if I asked something that’s been asked before. I’m currently studying for FAR – test date TBD – hopefully April/ May, using Becker since Feb this year. I’ve been out of school for 3 years so a lot is fuzzy at this point. Would it be a good idea to get supplemental text as well, i.e Regular financial reporting accounting text books? Coz I feel like there’s basic things that have slipped my mind that aren’t covered in detail. If so any text suggestions? Or should I just focus on cramming whatever’s in the text / lectures? Any other advice from those who’ve passed would be appreciated.

    Thanks guys

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  • Author
  • #336682

    FAR happens to be Becker's strong suit. Ride its wave to a passing score!

    Texas-licensed CPA


    Becker is great, so you don't need more text. I would supplement with Wiley online test bank and Ninja Notes. Ninja notes are great for keeping all the material fresh and studying on the go.


    Awesome. Thanks for the feedback guys!

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