Someone using Becker for BEC… - Page 2

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  • #180732

    …How many sections are there?

    I’m hoping to take it before the end of November, but my original Becker order I was planning on taking it in 2014. Called Becker and they’re working on getting the 2013 version out to me, but the fact that I’ve moved since I got my other study materials is completely throwing them for a loop. Been working on it since Thursday and still no change to order, ugh!

    Trying to decide when I need to start freaking out about them not getting the material out.

    Thanks 🙂

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  • #454592

    Becker finally got my order changed for 2013 BEC. They apparently had to cancel my entire order, which gave me a nice “ACCESS DENIED” message while doing REG MCQs this morning. Talk about freaking out!

    I also have the Gleim books (2012), any idea how helpful they are with BEC?

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