Sick of Ancillary material in Becker for Reg

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  • #160738

    Becker Question –

    Hi all,

    I had a posting about the Ancillary materials few days back. I really appreciate the responses I got. From the responses, I figured out that the ancillary materials for Reg are important. Taking that into consideration I was able to finish ethical responsibilities, tax procedures and employer -employee law. However there are still some few ancillary topics that I am really tempted to disregard. Such as maoney laundering, documents of tiles and few regulations as sherman act and stuff like that. Do you all think I should start revision the whole stuff again or should I read them first and then start revision. I know it is not a lot of reading but when ever I try to strart on these topics then I feel I am wasting time instead I could have revised other chapters. This will be my third and final revision before the exam which is on July 21. I am sick and tired of studing the same stuff again and again and keep on forgetting it. I don’t think I will be ever be confident with all the material till the exam. I read the law stuff and feel like I have forgotten the tax. I go back to tax and once I get comfortable with tax, I feel like I am on weaker side on law. I guess this is a never ending process. I had told my friends that I would hang out with them for a day after I was done with the second revision. Now I feel that I need to all over again. Its feels like a budgeting cycle with never ends. ANY ADVISES WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. DO YOU GUYS THE SAME.

    On a side note, Is there anyone giving REG on July. If so how prepared are you? Thanks

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  • #289352

    I would definitely look at the documents of title section of the ancillary. The stuff in there is pretty easy to remember. From my recollection it is pretty step by step stuff and some of it is common sense. Look over money laundering, but not in too much depth. I actually found myself looking over the money laundering stuff based more on the fact that I found it interesting. The Sherman Act stuff is a bit foreign and I wouldn't worry about it too much. However, I thought some of the questions would be tough to answer in relation to the Sherman Act if you didn't go through it thoroughly. There is one important part of the money laundering stuff on the top of the second page of the ancillary I made sure I remembered since the hw had several MC questions on it. I can't remember what it is right now, but you should realize what I am talking about. It seems as if you have gone through the important ancillary topics thoroughly and that is good. I definitely recommend the note cards for the Ch. 4 ancillary to cut down on the time spent on it. I would go through the ancillary that you have already devoted time too again as if it were regular material if you have not done that already or stick to note cards if you have them and that should be sufficient. I find it very useful the day before I take the exam is to do a speed review. I try to read through all of the chapters quickly one more time each. Given the fact that I have already gone over the material so many times already and looked back over it doing multiple choice and reviewing it makes everything in the book fresh in my head. For instance I may have a question on a chapter that I haven't looked at in 4-5 days, but just because I skimmed over that page the day before the answer may end of sticking out to me because I can almost visualize that page from the text. Good luck. Sounds like three times through will do the trick for you. I also tried to do a little bit of a review from tax and law each day to keep both fresh. One of the most important things I have learned is not to concentrate my review on one chapter each day. I try to spend half of my study time on one chapter and half on another to keep things fresh. Good luck I am sure it will go smoothly.

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