Scoring in high 80s in Becker and low 60s in Wiley…Is this normal?

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    Hi guys, I didn’t pass FAR back in October so I decided to use Becker (again) and supplement with Wiley. I am finding Wiley extremely difficult and keep getting answers wrong. My exam is THIS FRIDAY, April 6th. I’m wondering if I should just stop using Wiley period because it is just getting too overwhelming. Is Wiley that much harder than Becker? Please help!

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  • #336842

    This is just my .02 worth. Take it with a grain of salt or take it to heart, your choice. If you are getting that many questions in Becker right and that many wrong in Wiley, then it is possible that you have memorized the answers in Becker. When you work the problems in Wiley make sure you understand why an answer is right and why the other three are wrong. That way you can make sure you know the material and can apply it in other situations.


    Yeah, I initially thought the same thing, but then again I still keep getting answers wrong in becker. Part of me feels that the questions are worded entirely different than Becker and I'm not use to it. But with my exam being only a week away i'm wondering if I should just focus on the becker questions that I am getting wrong rather than trying to learn/do wiley questions. Is it just me though? Are the Wiley questions harder than Becker?


    I can't answer that because I've never used Becker. Sorry!


    I think that I always had better scores in Becker than in Wiley.



    I think it would be beneficial to continue to taking Wiley questions. I was having trouble at first but i have been jumping back and forth between the two test banks that I have and I feel like i am FINALLY starting to understand the concepts because I had the questions in CPAExcel memorized (like Kricket said – also just curious Kricket – Do you call yourself Kricket because you can hear Krickets while you are studying because its so quiet? I study with my window open and I can hear Krickets too! lol) But if your test is not until Friday and you have enough time, do the questions of your weaker sections in Wiley to get a better feel for logic of those problems.

    This is coming from a Rookie exam taker but I have retained much more of the material in my second section of BEC.

    Good Luck!

    Bec - 66, 71
    Aud - 73

    Going to enjoy some of the summer and retake both in August since my clock hasn't started ticking yet.


    Thanks for the tips guys! I appreciate it. I'm going to stock up on Monster/Red Bull/Coffee this last week and cramp as much as possible without trying to get overwhelmed. I failed it once and this time I'm more scared of the exam. Not sure why..but I really want to get this exam out of the way!

    P.S. I'm curious too why you call yourself Kricket πŸ™‚


    Ha Ha SportsNerd – My mom got in a car wreck when she was 6 1/2 months pregnant and I was born premature. In 1968 a 3 pound 4 ounce baby didn't have a fighting chance so before I was transferred to a larger hospital, when I was just a few hours old, the doctors told my parents not to get attached or to even name me. My grandfather said I was bigger than a cricket and I'd be alright. Three weeks later the nurses decided I wasn't going to die and I needed a real name so they gave me my legal name. I have two sisters and we all have the same initials so it was only right to spell Kricket with a K instead of a C. I've been Kricket since day one and I don't even recognize when people try to use my legal name. I don't know who they are talking to. That's the story in a nutshell!


    wow! that is an amazing story Kricket!!! a fighter at such a small age!! awesome! Here I was thinking that I was going to hear some wild college!


    I supplemented Wiley Testbank with Becker and found Wiley much harder than Becker….part of it b/c I had seen Becker questions before. However, though Wiley maybe harder, it is a great tool to learn about some concepts that you may have missed in Becker. Don't pay too much attention to score, instead learn why the answer is wrong or right. After you do Wiley couple times, you'll get the feel of it. I learned a lot from doing Wiley MCQs. Don't give up, you are so close!!


    @CPA628: thanks for the advice. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Even the terminology used is different from becker. Sometimes I can't understand what they are asking for…eeek! I guess I'm so use to Becker study material. Unfortunately, not sure if I'll be able to do Wiley as much as I thought. I got one week left and I plan to do every single multiple choice in becker and then supplement with wiley after every chapter. i hope i have enough time…thanks for the words of encouragement. I guess because i'm halfway there i feel the extra pressure. i just want to get this exam done!!


    Ya it's normal.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    I love Becker. I just understand their format much better than any other study material I've used. However, as you can see, it hasn't helped me pass FAR. So, this time I supplemented with Roger CRAM (not really worth it in my opinion), and Wiley Test Bank. I've definitely done worse with Wiley but its nice to see other ways the topics can be presented.


    @ CPAhopefulTX: I love Becker too! I think it's easier to understand. I notice your exam in 4/07/2012. I'm taking the exam 4/06/2012. what are you doing this last week to study/prepare for this exam?? I'm re-doing all becker questions (incld. supplemental questions and simulations)..and going over wiley just once. I've been studying like crazy since Friday. Good luck to you πŸ™‚ Third time is a charm right?!?!

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